21F.504 Japanese I Syllabus

I. Instructor

Yoshimi Nagaya 長谷 好美 (ながや よしみ) Rm.14N-321, yoshimi@mit.edu

Emiko Okayasu Rafique 岡安 恵美子(おかやす えみこ) Rm.14N-236, eokayasu@mit.edu

II. Meeting hours and classrooms

Section 1 MTRF 10:05-10:55 Rm. .16-628
Section 2 MTRF 12:05- 12:55 Rm. 14N-225
Section 3 MTRF 1:05- 1:55 Rm. 14N-225
* Please make sure that you check the Monthly & Weekly Schedules online for updated information.

III. Texts

  1. “Genki, An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II”, The Japan Times (available at Kendall Coop)
  2. “Genki Workbook II”, The Japan Times (available at Kendall Coop)

IV. Online supplementary materials and resources

Supplementary course materials and other resources are available on the web at http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/21f.504/www/index.html. You are expected to use these resources on your own as much as possible.

V. Course objectives and procedures

This course covers Genki Lessons 19 through 23. The main objective of this course is to build up basic skills of communication in Japanese using appropriate speech levels in both writing and speaking for various social settings. You will learn 98 Kanji characters in this course. At the completion of this course, you are expected to demonstrate intermediate grammar such as causative, passive, causative-passive forms of verbs, honorific, humble expressions, extra-modest expressions, and some conditionals through various activities.

Prior to the grammar introduction for each lesson, you should read grammar explanation of the textbook and practice new vocabulary.

Prior to drill practices, it is particularly important to review the patterns being learned, practice new vocabulary orally and memorize them so that you can fully benefit from the oral practice conducted in class.

VI. Evaluation

A. Daily Grade

You will be given a daily performance score based on your performance:

10 = Excellent Performance
9 = Strong Performance
8 = Good Performance
7 = Satisfactory Performance
6 = Unsatisfactory Performance
0 = Absent

B. Exams and Quizzes

There are two oral interview tests, four Lesson Quizzes (20-25 minutes long) and an one-hour exam. Vocabulary and Kanji Quizzes are given throughout the semester. Please check the online Monthly and Weekly schedules frequently.

C. Evaluation Method

Daily grade 20% *
Lesson Quiz (x5) 25% **
Interview Test (x2) 15%
One-Hour Exam 15%
Vocabulary, Kana & Kanji Quizzes 10% ***
Homework 10%
Class Participation 5%

* Three lowest daily grades will be dropped during the term.
** The lowest lesson quiz score will be dropped at the end of the term.
*** Two lowest quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the term.

Make-up quizzes and exams will be given only when you have a legitimate reason . You must notify your instructor in advance, and take a make-up on the first day you return to class after the absence.

D. Attendance Policy

  1. Success in a language course is a cumulative process. It is essential that you attend all sessions and keep up with the course work on a daily basis. Please follow the online schedule and come to class well-prepared.
  2. If you have an unavoidable reason for your absence, please e‐mail the instructor before the class.
  3. Attend the class section you are registered in, unless you have made official arrangements with the instructor at the beginning of the semester, or your grade will not be credited. If you have to attend a section other than your regular section on a particular day, you must notify the instructor at least one day in advance.
  4. Only in case of an emergency you may be allowed to participate in class activities and quizzes in a different section without the aforementioned one-day-in-advance permission from the instructor. Oversleeping is not regarded as an emergency.
  5. Be punctual. Coming in late not only results in missed performances and quizzes that may not be made up for, but also distracts other students. Showing up late will affect your daily grade negatively.
  6. NO TEXT MESSAGING will be allowed during class.
  7. Do not chew gums, eat food or wear hats in class.

E. Homework Policy

You are required to submit all assignments at the beginning of the class. Late submission will be accepted with 5% deduction each day. Assignments turned in after three days will not receive any credit, but you are encouraged to do so to receive feedback. All writing assignments must be completed and submitted to receive course grade.

VII. Miscellaneous

  1. You should try your best never to fall behind. Any student who feels he/she is behind is encouraged to see an instructor and discuss the situation with her before it is too late.
  2. The Humanities Concentration for Japanese is Japanese I-IV or II-IV. Contact Ikeda Sensee (mikeda@mit.edu) to obtain the necessary signature.
  3. If you are interested in HASS Japanese Minor, please consult Shigeru Miyagawa (Japanese Minor Advisor, miyagawa@mit.edu). Application form is available at 14N-305, 14N-310, 14N-408 or 7-104.
  4. Study Abroad Program in Japan: contact Masami Ikeda (mikeda@mit.edu)
  5. MISTI Program in Japan: contact MISTI Japan http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/misti/mit-japan/.
  6. Japan Lunch Table starts on February 15 (Wednesday). http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/misti/mit-japan/lunchtable.html
  7. If you are interested in Language Conversation Exchange, check out their website (http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/about.php
  8. If you would like to have a space where you can practice aloud, you can take advantage of one of the studios at the Foreign Languages & Literatures Resource Center (FLLRC: http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/) in 16-644. FLLRC also has Japanese films that you can watch.