Class Notes and Assignments
September 9: You can get a copy of Sam's first Powerpoint lecture here.
September 11: You can get a copy of Sam's second lecture slides with info on the various teams here.
September 16: Get the homework assignment
here. The wiki can be accessed directly
here. If you don't have certificates on your computer please see the assignment for detailed instructions on how to access the wiki.
There's also a library assignment task list that you need to get.
September 30: Powerpoint and Assignment for
Transporting CO2 From Source to Sink using GIS is located
Friday October 2 we will be privileged to hear a presentation from Kurt House. Kurt is working on CO
2 sequestration and has published an important paper on a new approach. We will meet in 3-270--please try to be on time.
Here are some links to his work or articles written about him
A PDF of his new paper entitled
Electrochemical Acceleration of Chemical Weathering as an Energetically Feasible Approach to Mitigating Anthropogenic Climate Change is
A list of relevant books from Sam's book shelf. These can be checked out by coming to Sam's office. Read Read Read!! Knowledge is power.
These are books selected from our library by Mission library specialist Chris Sherratt--there is a lot here--check it out!!
Understanding and Responding to Climate Change (National Academies): Overview of climate science and policy ramifications -- concise report useful as a starting point for in-depth research
Retrofitting of Coal-Fired Power Plants for CO2 Emissions Reductions (MITEI et al): Conclusions from a MITEI symposium on CCS retrofitting on 23 March 2009 -- supplementary documents included in appendices
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Simulator (MIT System Dynamics Group): Simple tool for aiding comprehension of climate change dynamics -- interactive simulation of introductory concepts in system dynamics
National Petroleum Council- Hard Truths- Excellent document (see the following pages in the document, not the pdf):
231-235- carbon management;
237-240- CO2 sequestration,
Hard Truths 2007 from the NPC.
(Library link: online and print)
Survey of Energy Resources- A country by country interim assessment of resources. Good reference. You can download the whole 2007 report here.
Get the IPCC 2005 Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage