Steven Anders Oakland
Somerville, Massachusetts
Extensive web application development skills, well-honed Java, C, and Unix experience.
Buzzword Collection
Java, C, Perl, Javascript, Cold Fusion, Kiva/Netscape Application Server(NAS)/iPlanet,
Fireworks, Dreamweaver, ATG Dynamo, HTML, XML, Unix, Linux, Apache, Tomcat, Struts
University of California at Berkeley
Master of Science in Computer Science, 1987
Yale University
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, 1985
Web consultant, 2003-present
Webmaster for,,, and several other non-profit and community groups. See for examples.
Wrote Perl CGI scripts for client to integrate their website with credit-card processor, allowing for online ticket sales.
Wrote Perl CGI scripts for client's website, providing functionality to upload new images, prices, and descriptions into online portfolio.
Wrote Perl and Javascript software providing client with slideshow of photographs from recent events.
MIT Academic Media Production Services
Senior Programmer Analyst, 2001-2002
Moved several client sites from elderly Jserv servlet platform to current Tomcat platform. Wrote Perl script to automate translation, used by other AMPS programmers to port their applications.
Managed the setup of multiple client sites, providing coordination between client, their ISP, and
AMPS developers.
Integrated site components from other developers (HTML, JSP pages, SQL and XML databases, Java servlets,
Real Media streaming video, Apache configuration files) into a completed and live website.
Wrote specialized Javascript code for unique project requirements.
Researched, selected, and installed existing freeware or public domain software for unique project
Constructed backend Java servlets for new online course,
African Virtual University Java Revolution.
Senior Software Engineer, 1999 - 2000
Designed and implemented administrative interface to Verbind administrative system, using ASP,
allowing clients to setup and modify user behavior maps.
Designed and implemented C++ "Session Server". Runs as ISAPI extension
to IIS and tracks user actions during web session. At session termination
produces rollup of customer record for integration with back-end database.
Wrote C++ mail package to parse XML data files from other system components,
and construct and send out mail messages.
First Call/Thomson Financial Services
Senior Programmer, 1998 - 1999
Built Perl scripts to generate "internationalized" versions of First Call
web site from tokenized templates. Responsible for coordinating with
translation houses for production of dictionaries. Set up Japanese, Portuguese,
and Spanish-language versions of First Call site, which are currently in use.
Member of 8-person team migrating First Call's research application
back-end from C to Java running under Netscape Application Server.
Personally responsible for advanced search, ticker lookup,
EDGAR, and analyst coverage interfaces and applogics. Resulting system was
much faster and stable than previous one and is First Call's current
production system.
Constructed Cold Fusion application providing access to information
on which industry analysts are covering which companies. Application
is currently in production. (
Produced customized "intranet" versions of First Call research interface
for many clients (ABN-AMRO, Scott & Stringfellow, Advest, Sutro, Deutche
Morgan Grenfell.) Work involved using HTML, Javascript, and graphics
packages to provide an interface to the First Call product matching their existing
corporate look.
MIT Project Athena/Information Systems
Programmer Analyst, 1990 - 1998
- Team leader for seven-member
Discovery team redesigning MIT's method
of doing end-of-semester teacher and class evaluations.
Acted as Information Systems representative on the Student Services Reengineering team,
which researched and recommended the establishment of the current infinite corridor
Student Services Center.
Installed, configured, and administered NCSA and Apache Web servers.
Wrote CGI scripts for database searches and access log reporting.
Constructed package for placing students in limited-enrollment classes.
Researched, prototyped, and evaluated bipartite matching algorithms.
Wrote portable X- and character-based student selection clients
using Kerberos-authenticated TCP/IP socket protocol for client-server communication.
Presented paper on system at
CAUSE, 1994.
Constructed series of scripts to automatically send out secure
PGP-Authenticated email messages
for notifying students of potential academic problems.
Coordinated the work of a five-member programming team producing an
automated housing lottery
system to assign Freshmen to their first-year dorms.
- Supervised student programmers on a variety of group and individual
projects. Typical responsibilities involve interviewing and selecting applicants,
developing assignments, monitoring progress and deadlines, providing
technical assistance and advice when needed, and writing their evaluations.
Other interests