
WTP-ME Staff: 2025 |2024 |2023 | 2022 | 2021 |2019 |2018 |2017 |2016 |2015 |2014 |2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
Staff Only: WTP-ME Wiki
Lauren Chai
I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. My research focuses on acoustophoresis for manufacturing processes, specifically on how power and pattern quality interact. Outside of research, I enjoy playing video games, practicing archery, and browsing the internet for new and interesting stationery to add to my collection.
Sandra Walter
Hello! My name is Sandy and I am a graduate student in MechE studying Engineering Education. Specifically, I am interested in the internalization and recall of technical material as applied to complex engineering situations. When you meet me, I will still be in the Netherlands, where I have lived for the past 10 months on a Fulbright: English Teaching Assistantship grant. Before that, I did both my undergrad and master’s in the MechE Department at MIT. Inside the department, I focused on product design for emerging markets. Outside the department, I learned a lot about music, ethnomusicology, global development, and teaching. When I get back to campus, I plan to rejoin MIT's club gymnastics team and RAMBAX, (MIT’s Senegalese Drum Ensemble), as well as teach for the Edgerton Center's K-12 program. I can't wait to meet you all this summer and explore MechE together!
Maryanna Betterly
Hi! My name is Maryanna, and I am a rising sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering. Prior to attending MIT, I did not have the opportunity to explore any engineering fields, but I found my passion for mechanical engineering through MIT's toy product design course 2.00b. Outside of my academic studies, I spend most of my time rehearsing with my a capella group, the MIT Ohms, where I sing soprano and do some vocal percussion. Like music, mechanical engineering is one of my passions, and I am very excited to share this experience with you by being one of your WTP tutors!
Lee Caceres
Hello! My name is Amelie Caceres, but you can call me Lee. I use she/her pronouns. I am currently a rising sophomore at MIT, and just finished taking Toy Product design, where my team and I designed a card game called That’s Absurd! and presented our idea live on stage. Before I was accepted into MIT, I went to a magnet high school where I was in the Academy of Engineering Design. I was born in New York, but I grew up in Bergen County, New Jersey. My father immigrated from Peru and my mother from France. At MIT I am part of the Panhellenic Association as well as the Undergraduate Association’s Wellness Committee. In my free time I love reading, creative writing, drawing, and watching funny movies. I am very excited to be a tutor with WTP this summer and look forward to being a part of this amazing program!
Olyvia Hanken-Arlen
Hi! My name is Olyvia, and I am a rising sophomore at Wellesley College. Officially, I am a Physics major with a concentration in engineering, but I am into all things MechE! Last semester, I took 2.00b and discovered the magic that is Pappalardo labs. When I'm not on some sort of shuttle bus between Wellesley and MIT, I am a DJ for WZLY (Wellesley’s campus radio), and one of my favorite hobbies is replicating props from TV and movies. I spent the past summer working for Comic Sandwiches, a company that fabricates Captain America shield replicas! During the summer, I enjoy playing with my dog, planting things, and building trebuchets in Iowa, where I call home. Ask me about the interior design choices on the ISS (awesome), or my opinions on Boston Dynamics’ SPOT (a good boy).
Emma Higgason
Hi everyone! My name is Emma, and I am so excited to be a tutor for WTP this year. I actually did WTP when I was in high school, so I am extra pumped. I am a rising junior at MIT majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Product Development. I am originally from Indiana, but the part of Indiana that is close to Chicago. At MIT I am a member of the Class Ring Committee and the president of my dorm, Maseeh! In my free time, I love to Facetime my dogs at home, make smoothie bowls, go fishing with my dad, and crochet/do any arts and crafts. I am super excited to meet everyone this summer!
Rumi Lee
Hi! My name is Rumi, and I am interested in all things design! As a rising sophomore, I'm studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science but am also curious about Mechanical Engineering thanks to MIT's Toy Design class. On campus, I'm a member of the MIT Arts Scholar and the lead designer for MIT Motorsports (FSAE). I've also worked in the MIT Media Lab with the Tangible Media Group to work on some cool, interdisciplinary projects and installations. Outside of academics, I love to go horseback riding, play the violin, and go cafe hopping with friends to find the best pastries. When the sky is clear, I also love to go stargazing and do astrophotography. I'm excited to be a tutor for WTP-ME and explore MechE with you all!
Julianna Rodriguez
Hey there! I’m Julianna, a graduating senior (yay!), majoring in MechE with a computing concentration (2A-6). I’m from San Diego, California and will be living in New York City during WTP this summer! While at MIT, I spent most of my time learning languages, such as Portuguese, Spanish, and Arabic, and traveling with the incredible MISTI and D-Lab programs throughout my five years here. I love working on user-centered design and sharing any knowledge I have with others. After this summer at WTP, I hope to live in Rio de Janeiro and work as an engineer. When I’m not in class, I love traveling with my backpack, blanket, and camera, exploring the world and learning about everything I can along the way. |
Isabella Witham
Hi! My name is Isabella. I was born in South Korea but grew up in New Jersey. I am a 2024 majoring in biological engineering and minoring in mechanical engineering. I worked in a lab that does research on neurodegenerative diseases and have specifically been investigating the effects of vitamin B6 deficiency and the B6 transporters. At MIT, I play IM volleyball, am a part of Society of Underrepresented Bioengineers, Medlinks, and Asian American Association. In my free time I really love crocheting and working out. I'm super excited to be a part of WTP this Summer!
WTP Associate Director & WTP-ME Track Coordinator
Dr. Barbara Hughey is a Senior Lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering
Department and lead instructor for the junior-level 2.671 Measurement
and Instrumentation Course. She is a graduate of Princeton University
(BSE 1981 in Engineering Physics) and MIT (PhD 1989 in Physics). After
receiving her Ph.D she worked in the Boston area developing accelerator-based
instruments, primarily for medical applications. She is a dedicated violinist, having
served as concertmaster of both the Princeton and MIT Orchestras,
as well as having been an active participant in the MIT Chamber Music
Society. She is a member of the Council
for the Arts at MIT and is treasurer of and performs with the Lexington
Symphony. She is also on the Board of Museum Advisors at the Boston Museum of Science. She has two children: one graduated from the Biological Engineering Department at MIT in 2013, received an MD/PhD in 2020 and is presently an orthopaedic surgery resident in Pittsburgh. The other graduated from the Berklee College of Music in 2014 with a degree in Vocal Performance and is presently a singer/songwriter in Nashville. When she has free time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, photography, reading
science fiction, and making herb- and fruit-infused alcohol for friends. wtp-me@mit.edu (PC: harazimphotography.com) |