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MIT Data Warehouse EHS Reports

Instructions for downloading & processing reports

From the list of reports, find the one you want to download. Click on the [Download] button underneath the report name to download the report.

Reports with the symbol (standard reports) have been tested by a group of central and departmental users who have checked that the numbers in the report reliably tie out to SAP.

Reports without a symbol (user reports) have been reviewed by the Data Warehouse team and approved for posting on the web, but have not been through a formal testing process.


|EHS Central Office Reports| |EHS DLC Reports|



EHS Central Office Reports

Reports for use by EHS Central Office administrators only




Created By

Last Modified

EHS Incident Report


Revised 7/25/2012 This query contains reports that track Emergency Incidents and Injury Incidents at MIT via calls to the Operations Center. The Summary reports capture the basic data of the incident including date/time, location, description and status. The Details reports captures all of the basic data of the incident plus the details of any investigations or after-action reviews. NOTE: Mac users need to first download the PC version of the dashboard report, then open it using Citrix. See the Citrix instructions page at for information about setting up Citrix.



EHS DLC Reports

The EHS PI Space Registration and EHS Training Reports are integral components of the MIT Environment, Health and Safety Management System (EHS-MS). The EHS Management System provides a set of tools designed to ensure a safe, healthy and environmentally sound workplace. To learn more about your individual role and responsibilities, please visit




Created By

Last Modified

EHS Incident Report


Revised 7/25/2012 This query contains reports that track Emergency Incidents and Injury Incidents at MIT via calls to the Operations Center. The Summary reports capture the basic data of the incident including date/time, location, description and status. The Details reports captures all of the basic data of the incident plus the details of any investigations or after-action reviews. NOTE: Mac users need to first download the PC version of the dashboard report, then open it using Citrix. See the Citrix instructions page at for information about setting up Citrix.


EHS Inspection Reports


NOTE: This dashboard is for the old Inspection system and contains data through Round 1 2008 only. It does not contain data for the new Inspection system. Reports on EHS Inspections with an easy to use dashboard to provide information for the DLC and Cycle to be specified by the user: Inspection All Status itemizes status of inspections. Findings by Question & PI details findings, showing finding rooms, status, action type (recommended or corrective) and assignee. Inspection Summary gives summary metrics for inspections, ratings, findings and actions. In addition, there is a pivot report on Inspections All Status for export to Microsoft Excel.

Melissa Kavlakli


EHS PI Space Registration Reports


Modified 5/21/2014. Several reports on PI Space Registration with an easy to use dashboard. The reports are grouped in 4 categories: Summary, People, Space & Hazards. There are 2 different Summary reports for reviewing information across the People, Space, and Hazards categories. There are also 4 People, 4 Space, 2 Hazards reports. The Hazards reports include an easy to use checklist that quickly identifies all of the hazards in every roomset. NOTE: Mac users need to first download the PC version of the dashboard report, then open it using Citrix. See the Citrix instructions page at for information about setting up Citrix.

Maija Ahlquist


EHS Training Reconciliation Reports


Reports on EHS Training Reconciliation with an easy to use dashboard to provide information for the DLC and PI to be specified by the user: Trainees in active/new status only; PI Reconciler; Trainee Current Statuses; Trainee Length in New Status; Trainee All Statuses and dates of statuses. In addition, all reports are pivot reports for export to Microsoft Excel. NOTE: Mac users need to first download the PC version of the dashboard report, then open it using Citrix. See the Citrix instructions page at for information about setting up Citrix.

Melissa Kavlakli


EHS Training Reports


Revised 6/1/2007. NOTE: This dashboard is for the old EHS training system and contains data through March 2012 only. It does not contain data for the MIT Learning Center, please refer to Cognos.Several reports on training data, with an easy to use dashboard. There are two groups of reports, one for most recently completed training and one group of aging reports. The reports on most recently completed training are sorted (1) by DLC, PI, Trainee, (2) by DLC, Trainee, and (3) by Course, Trainee. There are three aging reports, one for courses expiring in 7 days, one for courses expiring in 30 days, and one for courses already expired. Those expiring in 7 days are also included in the 30 day report. An aging report will be blank if there is nobody who meets the expiration criteria. NOTE: Mac users need to first download the PC version of the dashboard report, then open it using Citrix. See the Citrix instructions page at for information about setting up Citrix.

Maija Ahlquist


New Inspection System Reports


NOTE: This dashboard is for the new Inspection system and contains data starting with Round 2, 2008. Reports on EHS Inspections with an easy to use dashboard to provide information for the DLC and Cycle to be specified by the user: Roomset Inspection Status itemizes status of inspections. Inspection Findings details findings by roomset, showing finding rooms, finding category (general or DCR), finding type, finding detail, assignee role and name, whether the finding is a carry over, the status and action taken. Finding Group Report by roomset identifies how many findings were DCR or general, their status, finding label and what finding group the finding falls into. All reports are pivot reports for easy export to Microsoft Excel for additional modifications.

Melissa Kavlakli