The MIT UHF Repeater Association



W1XM and the MIT Radio Society completed fundraising for renovations to our rooftop facilities. Thank you to everybody for your support, especially our alumni donors and Amateur Radio Digital Communications. The W1XM UHF+VHF+microwave station on the Green Building is expected to be operational for the September contest. More Info

Spring 2025

W1XM is regularly meeting and working on rebuilding the station! Interested MIT students should email for info about joining the club. No experience is required, both grad and undergrad members interested in communications, radio, electrical engineering, radio astronomy, and networking are welcome. Some current projects include hydrogen-line radio astronomy using the big dish in the radome on building 54, designing power amplifiers for the VHF/UHF/microwave contest station, and various Software-Defined Radio projects.


The giant white sphere on the roof of the Green Building (building 54) contains a radar dish used for a mix of radio astronomy, satellite communications, and amateur radio. Scheduling time on the dish happens through this Google Calendar.


We do experimentation and contesting with new amateur radio technologies. The renovated station includes many software-defined radios and will cover the 23cm, 1.5m, 2m, and 6m bands. Non-amateur radio activities connected to the club include radio astronomy, satellite communications, and ionospheric research.

The MIT UHF Repeater Association maintains the W1XM Repeater which is located on the top of the Green Building.

449.725 MHz (-5 MHz offset)
114.8 Hz CTCSS

In addition to the Repeater, the MIT UHF Repeater Association also has a station (or "Shack") on the roof of the Green building which is used for VHF/UHF contesting purposes.

Interested students should come to our weekly hangouts in 50-357 from 7-10 PM. Additionally, business meetings are held monthly. All MIT students are welcome and food is usually served. No previous radio experience necessary.

MIT Weather Machine Status

W1XM APRS Digipeater on Green Bldg. Rooftop (log, activity graph)

Membership And Meeting Information

Historical contest results (old)

Looking for HF amateur radio operations? The MIT Radio Society's homepage

Questions? Mail

Last updated 8 February 2025