Project Abstract:
The present evolution of enterprises is characterized by
(i) competition based on increasing variety that requires shorter
lead-times, (ii) better conformance to delivery schedules,
(iii) competitive costs, and (iv) an ever increasing thrust on quality.
Enterprises are required to respond to these challenges through
appropriate manufacturing system configurations with relevant
planning and control mechanisms. Accordingly, different
manufacturing system configurations have emerged; flow lines (for
high-volume/low-variety), batch production (for medium-volume/
medium-variety), and job shops (for low-volume/high-variety). To
overcome the problems faced by traditional process focused
configuration (e.g. batch manufacturing and/or job shops) two
distinct configurations have emerged, viz. Flexible Manufacturing
Systems (FMSs) and Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMSs). The
changeover from one manufacturing system configuration to
another or to a more automated system is a strategic decision that
affects many other activities of the enterprise, as it requires a huge
capital investment. It is expedient to develop a better understanding
of the various factors and their impacts on the performance of the
manufacturing enterprise, which may be synthesized into tools that
would lead to the analysis and scheduling of FMSs.