Project Abstract:
Printing of color images on office-use printers has not met the
expectation of the user. The printed image can be quite different
from the image viewed or captured on the monitor, and thus a
major shortcoming of desktop printing/publishing. The cause of
such discrepancies in the printed image has been traced to the fact
that imaging devices work on the additive property of colors, i.e.
red, green, and blue (RGB) forming the gamut of colors, whereas
printing devices work on subtractive property of color, i.e. cyan,
magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) forming the gamut of colors.
A color in one color system is not directly correlated to a color in
the other systems, i.e. the color spaces are non-overlapping, and
thus, “What you see is NOT what you get”. This project seeks to find
a low cost solution for reproducing color images by investigating
the possibility of adding a color control module into Microsoft Print
Architecture with a common, customizable interface to the printer
driver subsystem, such that image color data can be manipulated
to achieve better rendering of the image while printing. |