SMA has a vital role to play in contributing to Singapore’s aspiration to be a global hub for education and research. Five years on from the launch of this synergistic partnership between MIT, NTU and NUS, SMA is recognised as a model of borderless, globalised education that is increasingly being noticed, studied and featured.
One of the most successful and largest interactive distance education initiatives, the vision for SMA is to bring together the three universities from two continents to offer a world-class education. SMA’s achievements can be attributed to its success in attracting and engaging top talent, in leveraging on joint expertise and resources as well as in using state-of-the-art interactive distance technology.
SMA has come a long way since its inception in 1998. Under the far-sighted leadership of Mr Lam Chuan Leong and Mr Lim Hock San, previous Chairpersons of the Governing Board as well as the founding members, SMA has achieved significant milestones in a relatively short span of time. Their determination and efforts have been pivotal in realising the second phase of SMA.
Building on the success of SMA-1’s accomplishments, SMA-2 aspires to be a wellspring of innovation as well as of scientific and engineering talent for knowledge industries in Singapore and beyond. SMA-2 will be characterised by extensive research and teaching collaboration, with increased participation by research institutes and industry, through dual Masters and Doctoral degree programmes.
Transcending barriers of distance, borders and time zones, SMA-2 aims to widen its global network while setting new global benchmarks for tertiary education, thus nurturing top talent and advancing knowledge at all three universities. I look upon my new role as Chairman of the Governing Board as a timely opportunity to help drive SMA’s ambitious initiatives. It is with much anticipation that we look forward to the launch of SMA-2 in 2005.
Professor Shih Choon Fong
President, NUS
Chairman, SMA Governing Board |