Programme Co-Chair
Bayer Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering - University of Minnesota 1978
Expertise: Metabolic
engineering, genomics, biotechnology, and bioinformatics.
BROWN, Robert A.
Programme Advisor
Provost and Warren K. Lewis Professor of Chemical Engineering,
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering - University of Minnesota 1979
Expertise: Newtonian
and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer,
solidification theory and defect formation in crystalline
solids, applications to materials processing, applied mathematics
and numerical analysis.
Ralph Landau Professor of Chemical
Engineering Practice, MIT
Director, David H. Koch School of Chemical Engineering Practice
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering - University of Wisconsin 1981
Expertise: Thermodynamics
and dynamics of self-assembly and solubilisation, biological
and environmental separation processes, green
processing, and tailored magnetic fluids, photoresponsive
polymers and surfactants.
Research Affiliate, Department of
Chemical Engineering, MIT
Ph.D. in Chemistry - Harvard University 1991
Expertise: Surface
engineering, interfacial phenomena, self-assembly, chemical
sensor design, biosurfaces, and nanotechnology.
LODISH, Harvey F.
Professor of Biology and Professor
of Bioengineering, MIT
Member, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MIT
Ph.D. in Genetics - Rockefeller University 1966
Expertise: Expression
cloning and characterization of cell surface receptors, signal
transduction proteins, and novel growth factors,
hematopoietic stem cells, cell and tissue engineering. |
SMITH, Kenneth A.
Edwin R. Gilliland Professor of Chemical
Engineering, MIT
Sc.D. in Chemical Engineering - MIT 1962
Expertise: Applications
of fluid mechanics and transport principles to a variety
of phenomena, including those found in living systems and
the processing of biologically relevant materials.
WANG, Daniel I. C.
Institute Professor of Chemical Engineering, MIT
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering - University of Pennsylvania
Expertise: Bioreactor
design, animal cell technology, protein
characterization, and protein stability
and protein refolding.
YING, Jackie Y.
Professor of Chemical Engineering,
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering - Princeton University 1991
Expertise: Synthesis
of nanostructured materials and molecular sieves, catalysts
design for fine chemicals synthesis and environmental catalysis,
surface chemistry and functionalization of inorganic systems,
and polymer-based biomaterials.
MIT Associates
Ford Professor of Engineering, MIT
Head, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT
Sc.D. in Mechanical Engineering - MIT 1981
Expertise: Nanostructured
materials; surfaces, interfaces, and thin films;
surface engineering; nanoscale mechanical properties of engineered
and biological materials.
TROUT, Bernhardt L.
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering,
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering - University of California,
Berkeley 1996
Expertise: Molecular
computations of chemical and biological
systems, protein thermodynamics and stabilization,
effect of solvation on biological processes
and structuring of water, nucleation,
crystallization, heterogeneous catalysis. |
CS programme |
LEONG, Tze Yun
Programme Co-Chair
Associate Professor, School of Computing, NUS
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -
MIT 1994
Expertise: Artificial
intelligence, uncertain reasoning,
temporal reasoning, machine learning,
biomedical informatics, decision
engineering and
analytic technologies.
WONG, Weng Fai
Course Coordinator
Associate Professor, School of Computing, NUS
Ph.D. in Engineering Science - University of Tsukuba, Japan
Expertise: Embedded
systems, optimising compiler and
computer architecture.
CHAM, Tat Jen (with
effect from September 2003)
Associate Professor, School of Computer Engineering, NTU
Ph.D. in Information Engineering - University of Cambridge
Expertise: Computer
vision, projector-camera systems,
human-computer interaction, pervasive
Wei Ngan
Associate Professor, School of Computing,
Ph.D. in Computing - Imperial College, University of London
Expertise: Programming
languages, advanced compilation techniques,
programme transformation and static
analysis, software models and methods.
HSU, David (with
effect from September 2003)
Assistant Professor, School of Computing, NUS
Ph.D. in Computer Science - Stanford University 2000
Expertise: Robotics,
computational geometry, computational biology.
HSU, Wen Jing
Associate Professor, School of
Computer Engineering, NTU
Ph.D. in Computer Science - National Chiao Tung University
Expertise: Parallel
and distributed processing and analysis
of algorithms.
LEE, Wee Sun
Associate Professor, School of
Computing, NUS
Ph.D. in Engineering - Australian National University 1996
Expertise: Machine
learning and data compression.