Intercepting and Logging Email via Z_SENDMAIL


Interception of email is useful for debugging, testing, validating, and for providing training. The original motivation for adding this feature to Z_SENDMAIL was to provide a method of preventing email from being sent from non-production systems.


Logging of email, while useful for debugging purposes, particularly for intermittent problems or problems that occur in the R/3 production system, is resource intensive and should only be enabled to track down a problem.

Processing the Call

Each call to Z_SENDMAIL is associated with an email handling category taken either from parameter P_HNCAT or, if this parameter is not included in the function call, from table ZEMCTRL. The email handling category is referenced in table ZEHCAT, which contains instructions for processing the Z_SENDMAIL call. If logging is enabled for the email handling category, a log is written to table ZEMLOG

Email Handling Categories

The table of current email handling category assignments can be found here. Requests for the assignment of an additional email handling category should be directed to the Administrative Computing Technical Services team.


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last updated:
1 May 2001 by Amy E. King
Comments and questions about this web site to aeking@mit.edu