* Updated on 05/27/2004. *
*1- Place cursor beneath the INCLUDE comment.
*2- Click on the Pattern soft button.
*3- Select the "Other pattern" radio button.
*4- Enter ZDOCUINM in the search box beneath this button.
*5- Follow instructions in the pattern copied to your program (below).
* Instructions: 1. When inserting this template in your source code,
* please replace only the angle brackets and the text
* between them.
* 2. If it is not applicable simply enter N/A.
* 3. If you need more space, use additional lines starting
* with an asterisk ONLY and kindly indent. Thanks!
* 4. Lastly, remove these instructions from your include
* documentation block. Thanks!
*^ Written By : <Author>
*^ Date Written : <Date>
*^ Include Name : <Name of the include>
*^ Used in Programs: <Programs referencing this include>
*^ System Name : <System name/application area>
*^ Purpose : <Form routines, PAI/PBO modules, data declarations>
* <Kindly indent subsequent lines>
*^ Other Considerations: <anything else a developer might find helpful>
*^ Maintenance History (latest on top)
*^ Date: <MM/DD/YY> Author: <USERID> Transport: <Transport #>
*^ Description of Change: