ABAP Pattern Function Enhancements
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 11:30:53 -0500
Reply-To: Allan Davidson <davidsoa@MIT.EDU>
From: Allan Davidson <davidsoa@MIT.EDU>
Subject: Pattern function enhancements
X-To: mit-abap@MIT.EDU
I've made some enhancements to the pattern function in the ABAP editor
which you might find useful. To use these, click the pattern button in the
ABAP editor (menu path edit --> insert statement...). In the popup, click
the "other pattern" radio button and then the drop-down for a list of
patterns. The first 20 or so in the list are references to the other
patterns in the popup, but the last few are the custom ones:
DOCU_BLOCK - this copies a blank beginning documentation block into your
FIND MESSAGE - this calls the find message routine which allows you to find
a message easily and copy it into your program.
SELSCREEN_BLOCK - This copies a block of selection screen code into your
I find these patterns useful when I write code.
If you want to create your own patterns, here's how:
menu utilities --> more utilities --> edit pattern --> create pattern.
Type in the code you want to use as a pattern.
Save it and back out. That's it! One word of caution - don't create
patterns with the same name as one in the list - they'll both be there and
you won't know which is which.