Rules governing which authorizations you can grant |
On the resulting report, look at the Qualifier column (e.g., CATSAP, CATNIMB, CATWRHS) to see the Categories for which the Central Authorizer can grant authorizations. For example, if the Central Authorizer has a "CREATE AUTHORIZATIONS" authorization for CATSAP, then the Central Authorizer can grant any authorization within the SAP category.
For departmental authorizers (both Primary and Secondary), the situation is a little more complicated, and will be explained in the next section.
Person | Function | Qualifier | Grant |
JOEUSER could grant (or delete) any authorization to any person at MIT who has a Kerberos username where Function and Qualifier are among the following:
Function | Qualifier |
CAN SPEND OR COMMIT FUNDS | FC_VPIS or any Fund Center or Fund under FC_VPIS |
INVOICE APPROVAL UNLIMITED | FC_VPIS or any Fund Center or Fund under FC_VPIS |
TRAVEL DOCUMENTS APPROVAL | FC_VPIS or any Fund Center or Fund under FC_VPIS |
REPORT BY CO/PC | Profit center node 0HPC00102 or any Cost Object or Profit Center under 0HPC00102 |
You might ask why JOEUSER is permitted to grant an authorization to anyone at MIT. Why isn't he restricted to just people in his department? The reason is that we cannot pre-determine who is "in his department." We could find a list of employees with the same Personnel organization unit number as JOEUSER, but that would exclude the contractors, graduate students, and other non-employees who also need access to departmental resources. And since there are many cross-departmental projects at MIT, a person in one department might need to be authorized for resources in a second department. Since there is no practical way to pre-determine which people will need access to a department's resources, we leave the decision up to the departmental Primary (or Secondary) Authorizer. JOEUSER can grant an authorization for his department's resources to anyone at MIT, and it is his responsibility as a PA to make sure he grants it to the right person.
However in the case of Functions such as CAN USE SAP, REQUISITIONER, CREDIT CARD VERIFIER, or SEE SALARY SUBTOTAL IN REPORTS, the Qualifier is NULL, meaning the Authorization is either "on" or "off". In itself, the Authorization cannot be restricted to the resources within JOEUSER's department, although it may be linked with other authorizations. Let's look at the implications for some of these "qualifier-less" authorizations.
The function SEE SALARY SUBTOTAL IN REPORTS is related to the REPORT BY CO/PC and REPORT BY FUND/FC functions. It controls whether a person can see salary subtotals by cost object in a certain MIT-developed report under SAP. If a person is authorized to run reports on two different profit centers, it is not possible to authorize the person to see salary subtotals for one profit center but not the other.
If a person, e.g., TOMUSER, needs to do reporting for two different departments, each of which has a different policy on seeing salary subtotals, then the department with the more restrictive policy (can't see salary subtotals) needs to either (a) relax their policy and let TOMUSER see salary subtotals, or (b) revoke TOMUSER's reporting authorization for their department. The Institute practice has been that an employee's need to know or do something overrides a conflicting preference that the employee not have access to the information or resource.
If you grant a "SEE SALARY SUBTOTAL IN REPORTS" authorization to a user who has reporting authorizations for another department, make sure you notify the Primary Authorizer for the other department that you are making this change. This will allow the other PA to review the employee's reporting access and possibly remove the employee's reporting access for their department.
These functions are linked with the CAN SPEND OR COMMIT FUNDS function. JOEUSER can grant CAN SPEND OR COMMIT FUNDS authorizations to a person, e.g. SUEBUY, for a list of Funds or Fund Centers in his department. Then if he wants her to Requisition on those funds/fund centers he also grants her a REQUISITIONER authorization. If he wants her to do credit card verification on those funds/fund centers, he also grants her a CREDIT CARD VERIFIER authorization. There is no way to allow her to requisition on one Fund Center and do credit card verification on another one. Our implementation of SAP does not allow this.
In practice, this is not a serious problem. Almost all credit card verifiers are also requisitioners. Also, there is a manual step involved in the process of making a person a credit card verifier that gives us additional control over the which credit card transactions a person can approve. (See who to contact for credit card authorizations.)
Last modified by Jim Repa, 1/10/2003.