To explore the feasibility and possible approaches for MIT to extend its educational leadership, excellence and impact, domestically and worldwide, in a rapidly evolving global environment, and to:
- Evaluate the tangible and intangible long-term value and impact to MIT: its core values and strengths, educational mission of providing high quality education to the most qualified students, reputation and brand, organization, (residential) faculty and students, and global presence and influence.
- Assess the domestic and global market demand, capacity, opportunities and competition; evaluate peer models, best practices and lessons learned for these.
- Explore the target learners, positioning, naming/use of name, offerings, pricing; admissions and other policies, and modes of engagement and delivery.
- Develop business and financial models and projections; evaluate the initial and long-term financial impact on MIT.
- Explore existing strengths and capacity, and develop possible organizational and governance models.
- Develop an implementation strategy, and near- and long-term plans.
The Committee is expected to engage the MIT community, including establishing for input a key informants/stakeholders group and an independent student study group, and report periodically to the Provost and other senior academic administrators (e.g., Deans, Department Heads). A preliminary report is anticipated by December 15, 2010, and a final report is due by April 15, 2011. The Committee shall submit its final report with specific recommendations regarding the strategic vision and objectives; as well as the educational approach, offerings, use of name, organization, governance and implementation. It is expected that the Committee will be supported in its work by an outside consultancy team.
- Harold Abelson, SoE
- Amy K. Glasmeier, SA&P
- David R. Karger, SoE
- Eric Klopfer, SA&P
- Shigeru Miyagawa, SHASS
- Thomas W. Malone, SSM
- David E. Pritchard, SoS
- Israel Ruiz, EVP
- JoAnne Yates, SSM
- Dick K.P. Yue (Chair), SoE
- Student TBA