In July 2000, Information Systems released the latest version of the Athena system (Release 8.4) on Sun, Linux and SGI workstations. These changes are summarized in this document.
Among the most visible changes (effective with the Release) are the following:
Relevant details about user-visible changes are listed in later sections of this document. For the complete list of changes in the release (not only user-visible changes), see the System Release Notes.
If your workstation is running the Athena 8.4 Release, the text string "8.4" should appear within the output of the machtype -L command. For example:
athena% machtype -L 8.4.1
The numbers following "8.4" may be different on your system; this simply indicates a patch update within the 8.4 Release. As long as it says "8.4", you are running the new release.
Please report any problems in the new release with Athena's sendbug utility; to do this, type sendbug at the Athena prompt.
or before you start Netscape type
athena% add -f infoagents
If you included xss in your dotfiles at startup, you will see an error message in the console upon login as only one copy of xss will run at a time. You can remove starting xss from your dotfiles to avoid the error messages. xss-button has been modified to work properly when an xss process is already running, so if you run xss-button in your dotfiles or at the command line it will work. If you want to disable xss startup, add the line
set skip_xss
to your ~/.environment file
athrun lockername programname arguments
athena% athrun infoagents netscape
athena% athrun graphics xv picture.gif
athena% athrun xess
In last example, athrun will assume the locker name and program name are the same when you list only the locker name. In this example it successfully starts xess since the program xess is located in the xess locker.In addition to the changes listed below and elsewhere in this document, program developers should be sure to read the Athena 8.4 System Release Notes for details of the many changes involved in the release. The items included here are only highlights:
In addition to the changes listed below and elsewhere in this document, private workstation owners should be sure to see the Athena 8.4 System Release Notes for details of the many changes involved in the release. The items here include only highlights:
You are strongly encouraged to require encryption for remote connections as this makes your machine less vulnerable to outside attacks and resulting loss of data and/or damage to the network. To require encryption for remote connections on your private wrokstation, become root and run mkserv remote again answering the questions appropriately. For more information see the Private Athena Workstation Owner's Guide.
[Strictly speaking, changes to locker software are not "Athena release changes," because this software is not tied in with the basic Athena release. Instead, locker changes are simply "changes to Athena application software." These changes are listed here because they happen to coincide with the Athena 8.4 Release.]
Many of the major locker-based Athena applications (MATLAB, Maple, Netscape, FrameMaker, and Tecplot) are being upgraded over the summer: the newest versions of each of these will become the default on Athena by the end of the summer. For more information on third-party software, see the following:
The significant changes to the third-party software suite include:
add maple; maple -ver 6.0For more information on this release take a look at the "What's New" section in the help menu of Maple version 6.0.
add frame; maker -ver 6.0.0To find out more about this release from Help in FrameMaker, select "Online Manuals" then "Release Notes".
Last modified: July 27, 2000
MIT Information Systems