*Broadcast via Zoom for the Spring 2021 semester *Seminars are held at 12:00pm unless otherwise stated.
2021 |
- February 22, 2021 -Virtual Zoom seminar
Igor Mazin - George Mason University
"Conventional high temperature superconductivity: from A15 to MgB2 to superhydrates" [Abstract]
Host: Leonid Levitov
- March 1, 2021 -Virtual Zoom seminar
Brian Skinner - Ohio State University
"The case for samarium hexaboride without neutral fermions" [Abstract]
Host: Leonid Levitov
- March 8, 2021 -Virtual Zoom seminar
Oskar Vafek - Director, CMS-Theory National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
"Correlations and topology in the magic angle twisted bilayer graphene" [Abstract]
Host: Liang Fu
- March 15, 2021 There will not be a Chez Pierre Seminar due to the Virtual March APS Meeting
- March 22, 2021 -Virtual Zoom seminar
Johnpierre Paglione, Professor & Director Maryland Quantum Materials Center Department of Physics, University of Maryland
"Exotic superconductivity in nearly ferromagnetic UTe2" [Abstract]
Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
- March 29, 2021 -Virtual Zoom seminar
Aaron Bostwick - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
"nanoARPES of exfoliated heterostructures" [Abstract]
Host: Riccardo Comin
- April 5, 2021 - Virtual Zoom seminar
Marco Polini, University of Pisa
"Photon condensation in a spatially-varying electromagnetic field"