General Oceanography
Dimensionless numbers in fluid mechanics
. Wikipedia.
A Training Resource for Data & Information Management Related to Oceanography and Marine Meteorology
. Maintained by the Belgians!
Glossary of Oceanography and the Related Geosciences with References
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution WWW Server
Seeing Red in New England Waters
"Red Tide" of 2005.
Virtual Domicile of Steven K. Baum
Fill with enough useful links to chain the world down.
Best of the Web: Oceanography
Some more potentially useful links-to-links
Several directories down, found a tidal ellipse routine.
Bibliography for Georges Bank Review
Not terribly web friendly, but may have a good amount.
Ocean Planet Homepage
Online version of a former Smithsonian exhibit.
Ocean Planet: How Deep
Picture map show how deep various things (people, sperm whales, submersibles, etc) can be found in the ocean.
Satellite tracking of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
Discovery of an Early 1800's Schooner in Lake Ontario
What originally brought this site to our attention.
The Sea
Now available from Harvard University Press.
On-Line Journals
Ocean Science
A new journal.
HydroWire--An online weekly for aquatic sciences
An online journal with some stuff and some interesting links.
Link appears dead.
WOCE-MET Calculation of true winds
The History of the Northern Cod Fishery
Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
Contains some useful general information on cod. Follow link to
. Then
K-12 Marine Topics
and finally
Fisheries Development
. Select species there.
Sperm Whales
Physeter catodon
Dry biological description of sperm whales.
The Sperm Whale
More non-specialist friendly little description of sperm whales. Includes a picture that never fully transfers.
ASK Archive 1998: How can Sperm whales stand the pressure?
Interesting description of some of the whales' adaptations to cope with the pressures at depth.
General Critters
Animals Like Whales Stir Up Ocean Nutrients, Fostering Marine Life
Census of Marine Life
a "global network of researchers in more than 50 nations engaged in a ten-year initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life in the oceans"
Arctic Ocean Biodiversity
Giant Squid photos
. First photos of a living giant squid in its natural environment.
National Geographic News
The Audubon Guide to Seafood
This Guide originally appeared in the May-June 1998 issue of
NRDC: Natural Resources Defence Council - Fish
Which Fish are Overfished?
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Home Page
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Seafood Watch Program
Last update I saw was from November 17, 2000.