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OERs And Active Learning in Haiti - Reference Page

An endeavor such as this requires multi-faceted collaboration from many institutions, both in Haiti and elsewhere.  In particular, this work would have been impossible without the pioneering work of Haitian faculty in Haiti who have helped us implement these workshops and who are evaluating these new tools in their own classrooms.

  • The Foundation for Knowledge and Liberty (FOKAL) co-sponsored a planning symposium at MIT in October 2010 and provided funding and logistics for the first two MIT-Haiti workshops in Port-au-Prince (March 2012 and January 2013).
  • NATCOM, a telecommunication company in Haiti has provided, pro bono, Internet connectivity for the MIT-Haiti workshops.
  • Haiti’s Faculté des Sciences (Université d’État d’Haïti) helped plan, implement and evaluate the first two workshops; many of their faculty have been enthusiastic participants at all three workshops to date.  Professors Janin Jadotte, Hérissé Guirand and Jean Milou Pierre have been especially helpful through their insights and leadership.
  • Université Caraïbes, under the leadership of Prof. Jocelyne Trouillot, has provided the MIT-Haiti Initiative, throughout the life of the Initiative, with linguistic expertise, including translation, interpretation and related know-how about the role of Kreyòl in Haitian education.
  • The leadership of Haiti’s École Normale Supérieure (Université d'État d'Haïti) has been extremely supportive; faculty and alumni from the École Normale have now become leaders of their own right: they have organized workshops to introduce to their peers some of the Kreyòl-based and technology-enabled resources developed in the course of the MIT-Haiti Initiative
  • École Supérieure d’Infotronique d'Haïti, thanks to Professors Patrick Attié and Marlène Sam, and Université Quisqueya, thanks to Professors Evenson Calixte and Jacky Lumarque, have regularly sent their faculty to participate in and support the MIT-Haiti workshop.
  • All the above institutions, alongside the Rectorat of the Université d’État d’Haïti, the Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (Université d’État d’Haïti), Université Notre Dame d’Haïti, Turbo Système, Solutions S.A., and EducaTech, participated in the October 2010 planning symposium at MIT where the MIT-Initiative was launched.  The complete list is at: 
  • Haiti’s Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (“MENFP”) has signed an agreement on April 17, 2013, with the MIT-Haiti Initiative in order to incorporate the materials and methods from the Initiative into the Ministry’s own strategies for curriculum and faculty development.  These strategies are to include the participation of the MENFP’s network of Universités Publiques Régionales.
  • At MIT, faculty, technologists, researchers and other staff have participated in various or all stages of the planning and executing of the MIT-Haiti Initiative: Lourdes Alemán, Sara Bonner, Alison Brauneis, Ivica Ceraj, Jean-Michel Claus, Cecilia d'Oliveira, Peter Dourmashkin, Ruthly François, Mary Grenham, Dale Joachim, Jessica Kloss, Judith Leonard, Thomas Kochan, Philip Khoury, Kenneth Manning, Haynes Miller, Brandon Muramatsu, Molly Ruggles, Chuck Shubert, Kirky DeLong, and Glenda Stump.
  • Last, but not least, this work would not be possible without the contributions of enthusiastic and devoted teams of consultants, translators and interpreters.  There are too many to cite, but we’ll mention those individuals and institutions who have contributed to the workshops in extraordinary ways: Jude Belony, Paul Belony, Pierre-Michel Chéry, CreoleTrans, Tatiana Behrmann, Yves Dejean, Josiane Hudicourt-Barnes, Anton Levy, Serge Madhere, Jacques Pierre, Emilie Reiser, Carline Rémy, Lindja Trouillot.

MIT Haiti Initiative Uses Haitian Creole To Make Learning Truly Active, Constructive and Interactive

Professor Michel DeGraff Talks About His Work for Haiti at MIT

The Power of Creole

Our Word is Our Bond

How Science, Math and Creole Education can Lead to Prosperity in Haiti

Profile of Professor Michel DeGraff

Pi Bon Zouti Pou Nou Rebati: MIT-Haiti Initiative

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