Danagoulian was recognized by the ANS Isotopes and Radiation Division "for technology-critical contribution exploiting nuclear resonance phenomena for warhead verification in nuclear disarmament and nuclear detection techniques in cargo security"
The 2019 Del Favero Thesis Prize has been awarded to Pablo Rodriguez Fernandez, PhD ’19.
NSE’s White is one of four from MIT named in 2019. The APS fellowship recognizes peers who have contributed to advances in physics through original research, innovative applications, teaching, and leadership.
Office of Graduate Education Committed to Caring honors Professors Ju Lifor mentoring excellence.
His high-temperature superconductors could make fusion power plants much cheaper to build
The Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering and the student chapter of the American Nuclear Society hosted their anual awards dinner on May 13, 2018.
Nuno Loureiro is one five receiving the prestigious award. The supported innovative projects challenge established norms and have the potential to be world-changing.
John Tramm, the 2018 Del Favero Thesis Prize winner, presented his work in a lecture titled “Supercomputers, Physics, and Randomness: Rethinking Neutron Transport From the Ground Up” on April 2, 2019