Games And Simulations For Learning K-12 Science And Math

Poster Presentation/Demo Abstract

The MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program (STEP) performs research and development of games and simulations for K-12 education, focusing on math and science learning.  Demos of several of the games and simulations will be shown, including games for learning math, physics and earth science.

Statement of the problem or issue

Engaging students deeply in understanding science and math requires experiences in which they can ground their formal learning.  Some of those experiences may be provided through physical labs, while others require a form of abstraction not normally available in the physical world.  Games and simulations can help provide that experience in a way that draws in a variety of learners.

Description of activity, project, solution, and outcome

  • Demos will include:StarLogo TNG – a 3d simulation/game development platform for students and teachers.
  • Weatherlings – a mobile ubiquitous game to teach students about weather and climate.
  • Kids Survey Network – A series of games to engage middle school students in understanding and analyzing data.
  • Labyrinth – an online game for teaching algebra.

Importance or relevance to other faculty, staff, students, departments, and programs

While most of the work STEP does focuses on K-12 education, the notion of using video games for learning math and science is broadly applicable.
Eric Klopfer, Jason Haas, Dana Tenneson, Daniel Wendel, & Judy Perry | MIT STEP (Presented at MIT Educational Technology Fair 2009)

Topic Area(s)

4. Incorporating visualizations and simulations to deepen student understanding



