Category: EdTech Fair 2009

  • iLabs at MIT

    Poster Presentation/Demo Abstract The iLab Project is dedicated to the proposition that online laboratories – real laboratories accessed through the Internet – can enrich science and engineering education by greatly expanding the range of experiments that the students are exposed to in the course of their education. During this session, we will be demonstrating iLabs…

  • MIT Mathlets: Interactive Web Sharing of Educational Innovation in Mathematics

    Poster Presentation/Demo Abstract The new MIT Mathlets interactive website enables instructors from the Department of Mathematics to share with educators around the world the visualizations for teaching and learning differential equations, which were created under the D’Arbeloff Interactive Mathematics Project at MIT. Mathlets website Statement of the problem or issue The basic undergraduate differential equations…

  • Collaboration for Geographically Distributed Groups in Sun’s Wonderland Virtual Environment

    Poster Presentation/Demo Abstract We believe that providing remote access to lab equipment and educational materials in a virtual 3D environment, including 3D visualizations, has many educational advantages for remote collaboration.  We are using Sun’s Wonderland environment to construct prototypes of such environments, and will demonstrate a prototype for a magnetostatics experiment and visualization. Evaluation Results…