Here are some of my soft corals. Front and center is a GARF creeping Xenia which has expanded significantly since I got it a couple months ago. On the right is my Tonga yellow leather (Sarcophyton elegans). On the left is a brown finger leather (Sinularia sp) which intrigued me because it is sitting on top of a brain coral skeleton. I guess in the battle between leathers and brain, leathers win. In the front left and right are small GARF soft corals from their GARF hardy-pack.
The coral in the back center is a frogspawn coral (Euphyllia sp), a type of hard coral.
Here is another picture of my Tonga yellow leather (upper right). In the lower left you can see my purple gorgonian. The little soft coral in the lower right is from a GARF hardy-pack. The algae is sawblade caulerpa.
The coral in the back center is a frogspawn coral (Euphyllia sp), a type of hard coral.
On the right are my assorted mushrooms. On the left are two types of green star polyps.
Here are my button polyps.
Comments? Questions? Contact l x s @ m a c . c o m.
All pages copyright ©2000-2015 Alexandra Ellwood.
Last modified at Sunday, April 19, 2015