Economics Staff Resource List


Account Signature Authorizations - i.e. who can sign on a certain account if Loida is not available and it's urgent - call Purchasing at 3-7241.

Accounting Problem - call 3-2750 - if very complicated, call George Elderd at 8-8485.

Benefits Questions - Call 3-6151.

Carpentry Requests - send requistion to Joe Vella, Carpentry Shop in E18-134. Call 8-6507 to follow up.

Carpet Cleaning/Repairs - send requisition to Donna Fucillo, Building Services, 3-003. Call 8-5457 to follow up.

Cashier's Office - to check on a student's check - 3-3340. If there, send student to 10-180. If check not there, call 3-3860 to see why not.

Cleaning Services - send email to - if it is something that we must pay for, use account 14849 and ask them where to send the requisition - usually Donna Fucillo, Building Services, 3-003. Call 8-5457 to follow up with Building Services.

Computing Services - send email to - to follow up, call 3-1325.

Electrical Work Needed - send requisition to Paul Motroni, East Zone Maintenance in E18-171. Call 2-1497 to follow up.

Emergency Maintenance - call 3-1500 immediately.

Furniture Orders - see Maureen. Send requistion to Maureen Ahern in Purchasing in E18-360. Call 3-8373 to follow up.

General Personnel Questions - call our Personnel Officer, Kenia Franco, 3-4076 or her assistant, Jackie Wood at 3-4268.

Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning (HVAC) - call 2-1497. If urgent, involve Maureen.

Keys - see Headquarters for keys to staff/faculty offices - if we are out of the key you need, get a key request form from Headquarters and send to Sharon Flanagan in E18-210. Call 3-3257 to follow up.

Lights Out - call 2-1497.

Lock Broken/Needed - if broken, call Lockshop at 3-3250. If needed, send requisition to Lockshop in E19-135. Call 3-3250 to follow up.

Mail Services - call 3-6000.

MIT Card Office - 3-3475 or go to E32.

MIT I.D. Numbers for current faculty/staff - call 3-4255.

MITVMA problems - call Mary at 8-8875

Moves - mail a requisition to NW62 or fax to 8-7490. Call Ken Brammer at 3-2967 to follow up.

Painting Requests - send requisition to Robin Arena in Paint Shop in E18-171. Call 3-6384 to follow up. (Pager: 781-532-3374)

Parking/MBTA Pass Applications - see Maureen.

Parking Day Passes for Visitors - see Maureen.

Parking Problem - call 8-6510.

Payroll Problem - if Loida is busy, call Support Staff Payroll at 3-6274.

Pest Control - call 3-7923.

Police Emergency - dial 100

Police General Business - call 3-1212.

Tables of Content - if catering problem, call 266-3533 (back up - 262-2122) - ask for Bonnie, Steve or Tim.

Telephone Requests/Changes - fill out a Telecommunications Request Form in Headquarters and mail to April White-Frager in E19-741. Call 3-4831 to follow up.

Telephone Doesn't Work - call the Telecom Help Desk - 3-4357

Travel - call 3-4655.

If there is something I didn't mention on this list, please check the telephone directory before you ask Headquarters. If it is a service/maintenance request, chances are the East Zone Maintenance Team at 2-1497 will be able to direct you to the appropriate department. I have not had good results from the Physical Plant web page, but am told that this is still the most efficient way to document your request. Their address is:

Useful Phone Numbers