1. When you attended your first Club meeting, were you warmly welcomed by club members? Yes No
2. When you joined the Club, did the Club induct you in a special ceremony? Yes No
3. Did the Club assign a mentor to help you with your first few speech projects and answer any questions about the educational programs? Yes No
4. Did the Vice President Education ask you what you wanted to learn in Toastmasters when joined? Yes No
5. Immediately after you joined were you assigned a speaking role at
a Club meeting?
Yes No
6. Did you receive speech evaluations that were positive and helpful?
Always Usually Sometimes Never
7 Did you Club’s meetings well-planned?
Always Usually Sometimes Never
8. Were your club’s meetings enjoyable?
Always Usually Sometimes Never
9. Were you offered the opportunity to serve as a Club leader?
10. What would you like your Club to change?
11. What do you like about your Club?
12. Do you plan to continue in your club? Yes No
If no, why not?