Flatter me, and I may not believe you.Follow these guidelines and you will be reinforcing a positive environment and positive behaviors.
Criticize me, and I may not like you.
Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and I will not forget you.
(William Arthur Ward)
1. Be personal-how would the person like to be celebrated and/or thanked?
2. Be specific-what are you celebrating/thanking them for?
3. Be sincere-why are you thanking them? Why has what they have done made a difference to you?
Don't let milestones and occasions go unmarked. When someone reaches a milestone, celebrate! For example, in Toastmasters when someone completes 10 speeches, they get the Competent Toastmaster designation. List some things to celebrate either at home or work:
Don't try to copy someone else's style. Make up your own forms of recognition.
Pay attention to what the other person might like to be recognized for.
Make buttons and badges for your awards.
The ETP (Explore the Possibilities) Award
Explore the possibilities organizational leadership web site, by Past
Toastmasters International Director
Susan Niven, DTM
Has free recognition notes, thank yous, celebrations & holidays
and reward coupons.
Nothing like a party store for inspiration
MIT's Rewards and Recognition Program. Who could you nominate?