Einstein's Explanation of Brownian Motion
One of Fowler's Physics Applets
This Java applet is a simple demonstration of Einstein's explanation for Brownian Motion.
It shows little particles batting about a more massive one
and what it would look like if you could see only the massive one
through a microscope.
This applet is in Java 1.1. Earlier browsers, even early versions of Java 1.1,
may not display this applet.
Comments and translations welcome. I apologize if I've failed to translate
"Start," "Stop," and "Reset."
Download this Applet
Also available on our FTP Site.
- language - the two-letter language code
- EN for English, FR for French, etc. This is the first specifier of a Locale.
While some languages like Russian aren't official Default Locales,
we can certainly add them if someone supplies an appropriate properties file.
If you do not specify a language, the applet should use the default language
specified by your browser's Java Virtual Machine.
- country - the two-letter country code
- CN for China, IT for Italy. This further specifies a locale if, for instance,
you want to differentiate French in France, "FR", from French in Canada, "FR_CA".
- threadsleep - integer, defaults to 40
- The number of milliseconds the Piston thread should pause after
it shows the next frame of a shot. Set higher for smooth animation on slow machines,
lower for even smoother animation on fast machines.
- nballs - integer, defaults to 40
- The number of red balls.
- massratio - double, defaults to 20
- The ratio of the mass of the blue ball to that of the red balls.
- averagevelocity - double, defaults to 5
- The average velocity of the red balls. The units are pixels moved/redraw.
- magnification - double, defaults to 10
- The microscope view is a magnified version of the atomic view.
This sets the ratio.
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