Dissipated radiation
Dissipated energy from friction of vacuum must be released in the form of radiation
Rotational friction: Consider waves of frequency ω and angular state m impinging on object rotating with frequency Ω
Lab frame:
Object frame:
"Generation of waves by a rotating body,"
Ya B. Zel'dovich, JETP Lett. 14, 180 (1971); If ω' and ω have opposite signs:
Amplitude of (classical) scattered wave exceeds incoming wave (Super-radiance).
Conjectured (quantum) spontaneous emission with no incoming wave.
"Spontaneous emission by rotating objects: A scattering approach,"
M.F. Maghrebi, R.L. Jaffe, & M. Kardar, PRL108, 230403 (2012).
Number of photons in a mode of frequency ω and angular momentum m,
generated by object rotating with angular velocity Ω is:
E.g., net power for a rotating cylinder: