Growth/decay on a seascape
Variations at each node are governed by time-scales from growth, migration, and fluctuation
However, the variations of the mean population are not directly sensitive to migration and stochasticity
Assuming a separation of time scale in which evolution of is slow enough for to reach a quasi-state state, such that
There is a mechanism to generate the empirical Richard's growth equation for sufficiently strong seascape stochasticity
Note that the above conclusion holds if the node-level logistic growth equations are replaced with any analytic function of
It is likely that some of these conclusions apply beyond the specific mean-field model, as:
Fitness stochasticity (seascape) leads to very large local fluctuations,
Migration between sites somewhat smoothens the distribution, and
if the overall population changes slowly, can lead to broad (power-law) quasi-steady states of the form
Averaging any analytical local growth rule then leads to the Richard's equation for the variations of the mean population
A potentially testable link between the local population distribution, and the global growth exponent.