Entropic force on a Polymer
Several micro-manipulation techniques, such as Atomic Foce Microscopy, measure forces required to unravel specific (mostly bio-) polymers.
What is the entropic force on a uniform (phantom or self-avoiding) polymer?
The answer depends on whether the bounding surfaces are attractive or repulsive:
Attractive Surface and Repulsive tip
The polymer exerts an attractive force, equal to the free energy gain per unit length:
The free energy gain vanishes at the depinning transition. Close to this transition:
The coefficient A' depends on the shape of the tip, and is universal for scale free shapes.
Repulsive Surface and tip
Dimensional analysis suggests:
Work done in moving the tip (with polymer attached) away from the surface is
This work can be related to the difference in free energies, as
Comparing the two expressions yields
"Entropic force of polymers on a cone tip," M. F. Maghrebi, Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, EPL 96, 66002 (2011)