Fluctuation-Induced Interactions
in and out of equilibrium
High precision experimental precision achieved with scanning probes
Applications require control of this force, and its shape dependence
Critical Casimir force observed for colloids in a binary mixture
The wetting film of helium becomes thinner
III. Plethora of FIF: Goldstone modes, membranes, polymers, ...
Fluctuation-induced forces from phonons and surface modes
account for the thinning in the film in the superfluid phase
Due to membrane shape fluctuations
Due to membrane concentration fluctuations
Conformal invariance enables computing forces for arbitrary shapes in any critical system.
Experimental demonstrations?
IV. Non-equilibrium FIF: QED, Thermal and density gradients, ... ?
G. Bimonte, T. Emig, N. Graham, R. Jaffe
R. Golestanian, H.Li, Y. Kafri, Y. Kantor, J. Rudnik, R. Zandi
Jamal Rahi, Mohammad Maghrebi