Repulsive Forces?
Abraham-Lorentz+Casimir electron model
"Introductory remarks on quantum electrodynamics,” H.B.G. Casimir, Physics 19, 846 (1956)
Casimir's "mousetrap" to catch the fine structure constant:
Model the electron as a spherical conducting shell of radius R , with a uniform charge e .
Balance the repulsive Coulomb energy, with the (presumed attractive) Casimir energy:
"Quantum Electromagnetic Zero-Point Energy of a Conducting Spherical Shell and the Casimir Model for a Charged Particle," T.H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. 174, 1764 (1968)
2A = - 0.09235 is negative! [also obtained by R. Balian and B. Duplantier (1977)]
Does this imply a repulisve force?
Schematic illustration of experiment to measure repulsive vacuum forces using MEMS oscillator
S.G. Mamaev and N.N. Trunov, Sov. Phys. J. (USA) 22, 51 (1979)
There is a corresponding "repulsive energy" for a parallelopiped
The Casimir Piston
A piston geometry provides an experimentally realizable configuration.
R.M. Cavalcanti, Phys. Rev. D 69, 065015 (2004) (Dirichlet and 2d)
M.P. Hertzberg, R.L. Jaffe, M. Kardar, and A. Scardicchio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 250402 (2005).
When contributions from both sides of the partition are included,
the net force is found to be attractive.
The instability of the piston at its midpoint is an instance of a more general
Earnshaw Theorem for fluctuation-induced forces which
rules out stable points under rather general conditions (but not absolutely).