Koinobori (Carp streamers)

Romanized lyrics

English translation

Yane yori takai koinobori
Ookii magoi wa otoosan
Chiisai higoi wa kodomo tachi
Omoshirosoo ni oyoideru
Carp streamers are higher than the roof
The biggest carp is the father
The small carp are children
Enjoying swiming in the sky

屋根 より 高い こいのぼり
Yane yori Takai koinobori
roof (more) than high carp streamers
Carp streamers are higher than the roof

大きい 真鯉 お父さん
Ookii magoi wa otoosan
big carp as for father
The biggest carp is the father

小さい 緋鯉 子供たち
Chiisai higoi wa kodomo tachi
small carp as for children
The small carp are children

面白 そう 泳いでる
Omoshiro soo ni oyoideru
interesting look like swiming
Enjoying swiming in the sky

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