Katatsumuri (Snail)

Romanized lyrics

English translation

Den den mushi mushi katatsumuri
Omae no atama wa dokoniaru
Tsuno dase yari dase atama dase
Snail, snail
Where is your head?
Stick out your horns, stick out your antennae and stick out your head!

でん でん むし むし かたつむり
Den den mushi mushi katatsumuri
- - - - snail
Snail, snail

お前 どこ ある
Omae no atama wa doko ni aru
you (possessive) head (topic) where at exist
Where is your head?

つの 出せ やり 出せ 出せ
Tsuno dase yari dase atama dase
horn stick out antennae stick out head stcik out
Stick out your horns, stick out your antennae and stick out your head!

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