Mercenary's Guide to the Inner Sphere: 3042 Edition
Part I: Governments
The Successor States
- The Federated Suns: The Federated Suns is ruled by House Davion, currently in the incarnation of First Prince Hanse Davion. The Federated Suns is widely regarded as the most technologically advanced of the Successor States. The New Avalon Institute of Science (NAIS) is the foremost research site in the known universe. Recently, they appear to have made a major breakthrough in the development of a new Double Heat Sink, though this breakthrough has yet to be publicly acknowledged. The Davion military is also highly trained and well organized. Under the brilliant leadership of Hanse Davion, the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns demolished the Capellan Confederation's forces during the 4th Succession War. Despite their stalemate against the Draconis Combine in the recent War of 3039, the AFFS are an extremely powerful unit. Following Hanse's marriage to Melissa Steiner in 3028, the Federated Suns is preparing for their impending merger with the Lyran Commonwealth. The new Federated Commonwealth is already more reality than theory, but will not officially exist until Victor Ian Steiner-Davion, eldest child of Hanse and Melissa, assumes the throne of both realms.
- The Lyran Commonwealth: Ruled by the germanic Steiner family, the Lyran Commonwealth has by far the strongest economy of any Successor House. Two major sources of trade are Solaris VII, the Game World, and Defiance Industries of Hesperus II, the largest remaining Battlemech construction facility in the Inner Sphere. The Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces, however, are not a particularly efficient military. While the LCAF has impressive size and several elite units, Steiner generals are generally less creative, and the troops less inspired than other forces. In recent years, the Federated Suns have begun to share tactical doctrine with the LCAF. The former ruler of the Commonwealth, Archon Katrina Steiner, resigned the throne in 3039 in favor of her daughter, Melissa Steiner-Davion. Melissa is a popular monarch, and has surprised many by ruling the Lyran Commonwealth without becoming the puppet of her husband, Hanse Davion, as many had predicted. Following Melissa's marriage to Hanse Davion in 3028, the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns are preparing for their impending merger. The new Federated Commonwealth is already more reality than theory, but will not officially exist until Victor Ian Steiner-Davion, eldest child of Hanse and Melissa, assumes the throne of both realms. The Isle of Skye, long a hotbed of opposition to Archon Katrina Steiner, has continued to oppose the alliance with House Davion. Ryan Steiner, a former AeroFighter ace, and potential rival for the throne, has led this opposition.
- The Free Worlds League: The Free Worlds League has long been subject to division and discontent. The ruling family, House Marik, serves as the Captain-General of an 'elected' parliament, carrying out the Parliament's will. In truth, the FWL is a constant power struggle between the various local Dukes, and the Captain General. Over the years, the Mariks have slowly eroded the power of the Parliament. Nonetheless, following the League's poor performance in the 4th Succession War, the Duchy of Andurien seceded in 3030, and retained its independence for nearly ten years. The current Captain-General, Thomas Marik, was presumed killed by a bomb blast in 3035 that killed his father, Janos, and brother, Duggan. In 3036, however, ComStar revealed that they had discovered Thomas after the blast, and taken him secretly to Earth for his 18 month recovery. Thomas proclaimed himself the true Captain-General; Duncan Marik, who had reigned since the death of Janos, was killed in February of 3037 attempting to reconquer Andurien. Thomas successfully retook the Duchy by 3040, and since then has ruled as one of the most powerful Captain-Generals in history.
- The Draconis Combine: The Draconis Combine, ruled by House Kurita, is a society styled after feudal Japan. The Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (DCMS) has long been instructed in the ways of Bushido; they honor MechWarriors as modern Samurai. This training has led to a contempt for most 'honorless' armies of other houses, and especially for mercenaries who fight for mere money. The current ruler of the Combine, Coordinator Takashi Kurita, is a strict adherent to these traditional values. Unfortunately, this adherence led to a disastrous result in the 4th Succession War, when he chose to avenge himself upon the Wolf's Dragoons mercenary company. Determined to destroy the Dragoons, he ignored the Combine's other borders. Theodore Kurita, Takashi's son, is a more revisionist leader, which has led to a long conflict between himself and his father. Appointed to the Deputy of Military Affairs (Gunji no Kanrei) after the 4th War, Theodore rebuilt the DCMS into a powerful force in record time. His innovative tactics then managed to hold off the combined militaries of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns in 3039. Since his victory in 3039, Theodore and Takashi seem to have resolved their differences, Takashi ruling the Draconis Combine, and Theodore running the military.
- The Capellan Confederation: The oriental Capellan Confederation is ruled by House Liao. The Confederation had long been the weakest, militarily, of the Successor States, but made up for that in guile and cunning. During the 4th Succession War, however, the Confederations military was nearly destroyed by the AFFS. During the War, the Tikonov Commonality seceded from the Confederation, and was soon absorbed into the Federated Suns. At the end of the War, Candace Liao, the Heir Apparent to the Celestial Throne, declared the St. Ives Compact independent of the Confederation as well. Her father, Maximillian Liao, disappeared from sight shortly after. Romano Liao, Candace's sister, is now the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation. Although she has begun to rebuild the Capellan military, her instability and frequent outbursts have prevented the Confederation from truly regaining its cohesion, or reconquering the territory lost in the 4th War.
Other Governments:
- ComStar: Founded by Jerome Blake shortly after General Alexandre Kerensky's Exodus, ComStar is the only means of FTL Interstellar Communication. ComStar HPG stations, found on planets throughout the Inner Sphere, can send messages up to 50 light years instantly, and the entire ComStar network can transmit a message across the Inner Sphere at speeds utterly unobtainable by a JumpShip courier. This ability has guaranteed ComStar's neutrality throughout the Succession Wars; any state that violated ComStar's neutrality would be Interdicted. Without any interstellar communication, that state's army would be swiftly overrun by its neighbors. ComStar is thus the undisputed owner of the Sol system, since they appropriated Earth after the Amaris Civil War. Since Jerome Blake founded it, ComStar has become an increasingly religious following, worshiping the wisdom and foresight of Blake. Despite these sacred trappings, ComStar remains a major force within the Inner Sphere, as it is the only mutually agreed upon Neutral Power. The ComStar Mercenary Review Board officially oversees all Mercenary contracts, and is the ultimate arbiter in disputes between mercenaries and their employers. Since 3030, however, ComStar has begun to play a far more active role in Inner Sphere politics. Primus Myndo Waterly, the current head of ComStar, came to power at the end of the Fourth Succession War. ComStar's Interdiction of the Federated Suns helped end the Fourth War. After the War ended, ComStar began to deploy its own military, the ComGuards. ComGuards are now stationed in small, company sized combined arms units in every HPG station throughout the Inner Sphere.
- Free Rasalhague Republic: This rebellious province of the Draconis Combine finally declared its independence in 3034. ComStar immediately recognized the new state, and to the shock of many in the Inner Sphere, so did the Draconis Combine. Several old style, hard-line members of the Combine military disobeyed orders and attempted to reconquer the District for the glory of Coordinator Takashi Kurita. The rest of the DCMS, firmly under the command of Kanrei Theodore Kurita, moved to quash these rogue troops in the "Ronin Wars." Since then, the FRR has maintained its independence. Unfortunately, during the Ronin
Wars, the FRR needed to hire mercenary units swiftly. They did not use the standard contracts usually offered by the Successor States, but instead tried to hire as many units as possible for short terms. This led to massive problems when mercenary forces claimed they had fulfilled their contracts, and Rasalhague demanded further service. ComStar review boards found several mercenary units guilty of breech of contract, and exonerated the rest, but the incident has left Rasalhague with a deep hatred of mercenaries that is slow to fade. Haakon Magnusson is the Republic's first, and so far only, Elected Prince, and under his leadership the FRR has actually prospered despite its precarious military position. The Rasalhague military, the KungsArme, is a sizable force, but is no match for the AFFC or the DCMS. Its position as a buffer between the two enemies has prevented either from conquering it thus far.
- St. Ives Compact: The former St. Ives Commonality of the Capellan Confederation, Duchess Candace Liao led her realm out of the Confederation in 3030. Candace fled the Confederation with her lover, the Davion double agent Justin Xiang Allard. Since gaining its independence, the Compact has steadfastly refused to be absorbed by the larger Federated Commonwealth, unlike the short lived Tikonov Free Republic. Candace's sister, Chancellor Romano Liao, despises both Candace and the St. Ives Compact, to say nothing of her hatred for Justin and the Federated Suns. This has led to extremely strained relations between the the Compact and the Confederation, but some limited contact does continue, due to their very similar cultures, and Candace's apparent desire to maintain the connection. The St. Ives military is very small, but well trained. Nonetheless, only its alliance with the Federated Commonwealth has prevented the Capellan Confederation or the Free Worlds League from attempting to annex the Compact. Several AFFC regiments are stationed within the Compact.
The Periphery Powers:
- The Taurian Concordant: The Taurian Concordant, now under the rule of Protector Thomas Calderon, has become of increasing importance in the production of BattleMechs. Since the 4th Succession War, several Taurian factories, mostly on Taurus or New Vandenburg, have begun producing popular BattleMech designs for general purchase. This has made the Concordant almost indispensable to the Mercenary community, who feared the military buildup of the Great Houses would make replacing BattleMechs impossible. Unfortunately, Protector Thomas has become increasingly paranoid of the new Federated Commonwealth. Thomas believes Hanse Davion intends to conquer the Concordant, despite the lack of evidence, and the Federated Commonwealth's great number of other opponents. Whether this paranoia will damage his realm has yet to be seen.
- The Magistracy of Canopus: In May, 3040 Duchess Emma Centrella seized control of the Magistracy from her mother, Magistrix Kyalla Centrella. Magistrix Emma has proven an able and popular leader so far. Her efforts to return the Magistracy to its former prosperity (providing gambling, entertainment, and expert physicians), have improved relations with both the Free Worlds League and the Taurian Concordant, as well as boosting the economy. The Magistracy Armed Forces have also begun to recover from the defeats suffered during their support of the Duchy of Andurien's ill-fated attack on the Capellan Confederation.
- The Outworlds Alliance: Long considered a weak periphery neighbor of the Federated Suns, the Alliance has begun to expand its contacts with the Inner Sphere. Under its current leadership, President Avellar, the Alliance has benefited from five new HPG stations built by ComStar. It has also increased trade with the new Federated Commonwealth, in exchange for help repulsing pirate incursions. The Outworlds Alliance military is still small and largely under trained, but it is adequate to defeat pirate attacks, and neither the AFFS nor the DCMS have had reason to attack it.
- The Bandit Kingdoms: Although many small bandit strongholds exist on the borders of the Inner Sphere, the most 'respectable' has long been the Oberon Confederation. The Confederation has begun to increase its military strength, in part to allow increased raiding of the Federated Commonwealth, Rasalhague and the Draconis Combine, but also in part to oppose the new Greater Valkyrate. The Greater Valkyrate was formed from the Valkyrate of Maria Margraine and Redjack Ryan's Pirates of Butte Hold. The Greater Valkyrate has already proven a formidable pirate realm; Susie "One Eye" Morgraine-Ryan, eldest child of Redjack Ryan and Maria Morgraine, has also demonstrated a cold blooded, but effective, knack for commanding the new realm. How long the Greater Valkyrate will last in the cutthroat world of piracy is uncertain.
Part II: Technology
BattleMechs: First developed in 2439, BattleMechs have dominated the fields for over 600 years. Superior to conventional vehicles, such as tanks or hovercraft, due to their durability and mobility, BattleMechs are the most powerful instruments of ground war permitted under the Ares convention.
Myomer: The miracle technology of BattleMechs, myomers are synthetic muscles. Metallic in nature, myomers contract when a voltage is applied to them. Although they have numerous possible uses in civilian life, myomers are too rare for any use other than 'Mech muscles and replacement human muscles tissue in expensive medical operations.
AeroFighters: Although a lively rivalry has existed between AeroSpace pilots and MechWarriors for centuries, AeroFighters are the only part of modern armies treated equally with BattleMechs. AeroFighters, able to operate equally well in space or an atmosphere, are needed to protect or attack incoming DropShips, provide air superiority to ground forces, and move rapidly from one theater to another.
Conventional Aircraft: Unable to enter space, conventional aircraft are inexpensive, but little match for an AeroSpace Fighter. Conventional aircraft are generally assigned to low grade planetary garrisons, where they need not accompany DropShips into space.
Conventional Vehicles: Although conventional tanks can pack an incredible punch, they are nowhere near as durable as BattleMechs. Nonetheless, their low cost and easy maintenance guarantees them a niche in modern armies. Hover tanks and VTOLs are often used for scouting or troop movements, and the larger tanks can provide effective support for BattleMech companies, or city defense.
DropShips: Expensive to maintain, DropShips are the most efficient way of transporting material from planetary surfaces to space. DropShips are incapable of FTL transit, and must piggy-back rides on JumpShips to travel from one star system to another. Military DropShips are heavily armed and armored, and carry either BattleMechs or conventional forces; the rare Excalibur Class DropShip actually carries a full Combined Arms battalion. Most DropShips carry several AeroSpace Fighters for defense, and a few dedicated carrier DropShips exist to provide additional AeroSpace support. Civilian DropShips are poorly armed and armored in comparison, but can carry massive cargos to and from orbit.
Small Craft: Shuttles and the like can be used to land on planets, but their relatively small size makes this inefficient. They are generally used to ferry material and passengers from one spaceship to another.
JumpShips: JumpShips are larger vessels incapable of landing on planets. They are equipped with huge Kearny-Fuchida drives which allow the JumpShip, and any attached DropShips, to instantaneously jump up to 30 light years away. JumpShips are the sole means of FTL travel. Unfortunately, the K-F drive requires massive energy, which JumpShips cannot generate themselves. Instead, they deploy a huge "Solar Sail" which can power the K-F drive with solar energy. This process can take several days, or several weeks depending on the intensity and proximity of the local star. Thus, Command Circuits of JumpShips, similar to the old Pony Express system, can be used to speed the transit of a particular DropShip over large distances. JumpShips tend to enter a system at the star's nadir point, where the transition will be clear of all debris. This leads to long transit times to and from planets, however. Thus JumpShips will occasionally use "pirate points," jumping into a system much closer to the target planet in a spot known to be clear of debris. As long as the spot is indeed clear of debris, this will greatly reduce transit time to the planet. Even so, few navigators are willing to take this risk often. JumpShips are unarmed and thinly armored, although their large size makes them hard to destroy (the Sail, on the other hand, is easily destroyed, but expensive to replace). Aside from their K-F drives, JumpShips have minimal engine power, and cannot move on their own; they can only hold station at a Jump Point. Tradition with the Successor States prevents JumpShips from being attacked or destroyed.
WarShips: The jewels of the Star League Navy, WarShips are heavily armed and armored JumpShips, able to move within a planetary system and support military invasions. None of the Successor Houses' WarShips have survived the Succession Wars, and no factory is able to produce the weapons or engines needed to build such vessels. Due to the devastating orbital bombardment capabilities of such ships, used to gruesome effect in the First Succession War, the Great Houses have informally agreed not to research the manufacture of WarShips, although each house undoubtedly has covert projects just in case.
Star League Equipment: The Star League had developed many technological marvels which have been lost in the Succession Wars. Despite advances by the NAIS, modern military, engineering and medical equipment is still a poor match for their Star League equivalent. During the chaos of the Amaris Civil War, the Star League Defense Force created numerous secret caches of material and equipment, many of which were subsequently lost. These caches can still be found throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery. Along with advanced equipment, they often contain 'Mech and vehicle designs long lost to the Successor States. It is now widely believed that a large such was discovered by the Grey Death Legion on the planet Helm in 3028. The Legion supposedly managed to download a copy of the Star League Computer Memory Core found in the base. This Core had been slowly spread throughout the Inner Sphere, finally reaching the NAIS; according to the rumors, the Liao Death Commando raid on New Avalon in 3029 was an attempt to capture this copy. Although the NAIS has recently begun to release more and more sophisticated medical and civilian technology, there is so far no proof of advanced BattleMech components, aside from the new Double Heat Sink.
Star League Technology: Here is a brief list of the more advanced Star League military equipment:
- Double Heat Sinks: Larger and more expensive than ordinary heat sinks, these models are twice as effective.
- XL Engine: An extremely costly and sophisticated fusion plant nearly half the weight of modern 'Mech engines.
- EndoSteel Frames: Extremely hard to manufacture in modern factories, this bulky 'Mech frame is half the weight of a standard model.
- FerroFibrous Armor: Similarly hard to manufacture, FerroFibrous armor is bulky but stronger, by roughly 12%.
- Pulse Lasers: These shorter ranged weapons fired a series of pulses rather than one long stream. They were more powerful and much more accurate.
- ER Weapons: Extended Range Lasers and Particle Cannons generated much more heat, but had a much longer range.
- LB-X Autocannon: An improved version of modern autocannons, apparently able to use 'shotgun' style submunitions.
- Ultra Autocannon: A heavier form of autocannon capable of increased rate of fire.
- Gauss Rifle: A large caliber rail gun, the Gauss Rifle had long range, and crushing firepower, despite its minimal heat output.
- Streak SRM: A specialized SRM fire control system which prevented firing without a solid lock-on.
- Artemis: An improved missile fire control system.
- Anti-Missile System: A high speed gattling gun with a control system able to target incoming missiles.
- Arrow IV: A short ranged artillery system, the Arrow could actually be mounted on BattleMechs.
- Electronic Warfare: The SLDF had Active Probes and ECM systems much more efficient than modern ones.
- CASE: Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment. A manner of constructing Ammo bins that limited damage from their explosions.
- MASC: Myomer Acceleration Signal Circuitry. This specialized equipment was used on scout 'Mechs to increase their top speed for short bursts.
- Narc Pods: A homing pod that could be used in place of normal missile targeting.
Star League BattleMechs: The Star League used many BattleMech designs lost to the Inner Sphere today. Among them:
- MCY-99 Mercury
- THE-N Thorn
- MON-66 Mongoose
- HSR 200-D Hussar
- SPR-5F Spector
- TLN-5W Talon
- WVE-5N Wyvern
- STY-3C StarSlayer
- LNC 25-01 Lancelot
- EXT-4D Exterminator
- BMB-12D Bombardier
- ST-8A Shootist
- BL6-KNT Black Knight
- FLS-8K Flashman
- SPT-N2 Spartan
- STC-2C Striker
- CRK 5003-1 Crockett
- HGN-732 Highlander
- TDK-7X Thunder Hawk
- KGC-000 King Crab
- GLT-3N Guillotine
- HER-1S Hermes
The designs for the Guillotine and Hermes still exist, but without Star League Technology, they cannot be reproduced. In addition, the Star League used the original version of the Crab, the CRB-27 Crab, which featured a far more sophisticated communications system.
Part III: Famous Military Units:
House Units:
10th Lyran Guards RCT: One of the most elite units in the Successor States, the 10th Lyran Guards are often commanded by the future Archon. It is unknown whether Victor Steiner-Davion will join the 10th.
- 1st Kathil Uhlans RCT: Formed in 3029 out of a training cadre, and the remnants of two demolished regiments, the Uhlans have become one of the Federated Suns' most respected units. They are still the personal unit of Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion, their first Commanding Officer.
- 2nd Sword of Light: The foremost of the five elite Sword of Light regiments, the 2nd is the most highly respected unit within the Draconis Combine.
- Genyosha: Originally formed by Yorinaga Kurita, the Genyosha (Black Ocean Warriors), are one of the more elite, and modern, units in the DCMS. They are currently loyal to the Kanrei, and embody his new style of warfare.
- Ryoken: Formed by Minobu Tetsuhara at the command of the Coordinator, the six Ryoken regiments are modeled after Wolf's Dragoons. They have finally recovered from the grievous loses of Misery, and are now pledged to Kanrei Theodore Kurita and his new order in the DCMS.
- Death Commandos: An elite battalion of fanatical warriors, the Death Commandos are generally the bodyguards of the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation.
- 3rd Drakons: The most elite unit within the Free Rasalhague KungsArme, the 3rd Drakons are the personal guards for the Elected Prince.
Independent Units:
- Eridani Light Horse: Once the 4th Star League Regimental Combat Team, the Light Horse chose to remain in the Inner Sphere when General Kerensky led the SLDF on its Exodus. Since then, they have earned their reputation as the most elite and honorable mercenary force in the Inner Sphere. There only true competition is Wolf's Dragoons, whom they fought to a draw in several battles in 3025, when the Dragoons were serving House Kurita. Currently, the Light Horse have a long term contract with House Davion. The Eridani Light Horse possess three full regiments, and specialize in lightning raids.
- Wolf's Dragoons: In 3005, Wolf's Dragoons arrived in the Inner Sphere. They appeared suddenly around a backwater Federated Suns planet, in brand new DropShips. The Dragoons possessed five full 'Mech regiments (brand new), along with full vehicle, AeroSpace and artillery support. Many of their BattleMechs are models unknown to the Inner Sphere, either lost since the fall of the Star League, or never previously encountered. Under the command of Jaime and Joshua Wolf, the Dragoons served with House Davion, then House Liao. They supported Anton Marik's revolt until his murder of Joshua Wolf, then served with Janos Marik. During this service, they nearly succeeded in capturing the Hesperus II 'Mech construction facilities. After a brief service to House Steiner, they entered the service of the Draconis Combine, but relations between the Dragoons and the Combine quickly deteriorated. In 3028, the Dragoons left the Combine, and declared a blood feud with Takashi Kurita. After they had repulsed every attempt by the DCMS to destroy them in the 4th Succession War, Hanse Davion granted them the planet of Outreach as their permanent home. Since then, the Dragoons have served various houses, except Kurita, while leaving some of their forces to defend Outreach. The Dragoons are elite mercenaries, one of the best in the Inner Sphere. Blackwell Corporation, a small firm on Outreach, has grown in size over the years, producing new BattleMech designs under exclusive contract to the Dragoons. In addition to five full BattleMech regiments, the Dragoons possess Zeta Battalion, the Black Widow Company, and the Home Guard, which defends Outreach when the other Dragoon units are on assignment.
- Black Widow Company: Led by the Black Widow herself, Natasha Kerensky, the Black Widow Company is made from the rowdy misfits of Wolf's Dragoons. Captain Kerensky has nevertheless managed to forge the Black Widows into a lethally efficient fighting force. The Company is one of the most famous, and effective, forces within the Inner Sphere.
- Zeta Battalion: An entire battalion built of Assault 'Mechs, Zeta Battalion is one of the most formidable units within Wolf's Dragoons. The battalion has a reputation for bold (nearly reckless) action, and crushing, utterly overwhelming firepower.
- Kell Hounds: Formed in 3011 by Morgan and Patrick Kell, two distant relatives to Katrina Steiner, the Hounds have become one of the most respected units in the Inner Sphere. In 3013, they defended Mallory's World from the 2nd Sword of Light. In 3016 they successfully held the planet once again. After that battle, Morgan Kell shocked the mercenary world by leaving the Hounds and retiring to a Monastery on Zaniah. The Hounds were reduced from a regiment to a battalion, commanded by Patrick Kell. In 3027, Patrick was killed and Morgan Kell, as well as the older Kell Hounds, returned to the unit. Since then, the Hounds, under Morgan's skilled leadership, have only increased their reputation. Upon her death, Katrina Steiner left Morgan enough money to upgrade the Hounds to two full regiments. The Hounds are now commanded by Lt. Colonel Dan Allard, brother of Justin Allard, and Morgan has entered semi-retirement.
- Snord's Irregulars: Cranston Snord is eccentric mercenary commander, with a passion for lostech relics. The Irregulars have been known to abandon their contracts and even battles in search of some tidbit or other. When their attention is focused, however, the Irregulars can be a formidable force.
- Grey Death Legion: Formed initially from a single captured Locust BattleMech, Grayson Carlisle's Grey Death Legion is one of the most respected mercenary units around. They specialize in guerilla style operations, and tend to excel in situations in which they are greatly outmatched. Conventional wisdom now holds the the Grey Death Legion managed to retrieve a complete Star League Memory Core from the planet helm in 3028. This rumor is difficult to verify, but is nonetheless gaining widespread acceptance.
- Team Banzai: Led by the eccentric Dr B. Banzai, Team Banzai is equally capable in combat, 'Mech design and repair, and medicine, amongst other things. They are famous for several of Dr. Banzai's BattleMech designs, as well as a long running Federated Suns comic book.
- Northwind Highlanders: Another mercenary unit dating back to the time of the Star League, the Northwind Highlanders were long in the service of House Liao. During the 4th Succession War, however, they switched to the service of House Davion in exchange for which Hanse Davion reposted them to their ancestral home of Northwind. The Highlanders now base out of Northwind, and have a served the Federated Commonwealth since then.
- Smythe's Strikers: An up and coming mercenary unit, the Strikers seem to have stumbled upon a Star League cache at some point, accounting for their unusual 'Mech designs. Even more interesting, the Strikers have somehow obtained a Shogun BattleMech, a model known to exist only within Zeta Battalion of Wolf's Dragoons. No one in Smythe's Strikers has ever served with the Dragoons, and the Dragoons themselves seem happy to let the Strikers keep the 'Mech.
- Waco Rangers: Once a fairly normal, if successful, minor mercenary company, the Waco Rangers have now sworn an Oath of Vengeance against the Wolf's Dragoons. They claim a Dragoon 'Mech deliberately crushed Colonel Waco's son in battle. The Dragoons barely notice the Rangers, and many reliable accounts suggest the Dragoons were in no way culpable for the death of Captain Waco. Nonetheless, the Waco Rangers refuse to forgive the Dragoons.
- Martin's Steel Warriors: This small combined arms mercenary group appeared out of nowhere in early 3041. They have managed to obtain a company of BattleMechs, two DropShips and a marginally functional JumpShip from undiscovered sources. Several of their BattleMechs appear to be Star League designs, implying the unit discovered a large Star League cache. The unit's CO, Major Sara L. Martin, was a career officer in the LCAF listed as KIA in January, 3040. Several other members of the company have served in various military forces, and one may have been a Periphery pirate.
Part IV: Famous Personalities:
Living Personalities:
- Hanse Davion: Known as "The Fox" to both allies and enemies, First Prince Hanse Davion has proven himself a wily and capable leader of the Federated Suns at every turn. His military strategies carried the AFFS to victory over the Capellan Confederation in the 4th Succession War, and his assault on the Draconis Combine in 3039 showed great planning and daring, although it was eventually repelled. He is also an expert MechWarrior, single handedly destroying a 'Mech Company in his BattleMaster during a Liao raid on New Avalon in 3029. His marriage to Melissa Steiner, heir to the Lyran Commonwealth, in 3028 has united two Successor States for the first time in history. The infant Federated Commonwealth he and Melissa control is clearly the most powerful realm in the Inner Sphere. With the Fox to wield it, many wonder how long it will be before Hanse Davion can finally realize the dreams of all Successor Lords, and found a new Star League.
- Melissa Steiner-Davion: Wife of Hanse Davion, and Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, Melissa rules her own realm, and has proven to be a more than a mere puppet to her husband. She is a much loved leader, commanding the respect and devotion of nearly all the Commonwealth's population. Although her marriage to Hanse Davion generated significant resentment at first, her able ruling in the intervening years have done much to strengthen the alliance. Unlike most of the Successor Lords, Melissa is not a MechWarrior, having been trained as an infantry warrior instead.
- Morgan Hasek-Davion: Marshal of the AFFC, Morgan is the son of the late Michael Hasek-Davion, a longtime political opponent of Hanse Davion. Unlike his father, Morgan is loyal to House Davion and the Federated Suns. He is a gifted MechWarrior and a brilliant tactical commander. He led the newly formed First Kathil Uhlans to victory against several elite Liao battalions in the 4th Succession War. Under his command, the AFFC is a force to be reckoned with.
- Ryan Steiner: Nephew to Melissa, Ryan was the protégé of the late Alessandro Steiner, former Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth. He is the most outspoken opponent of Melissa's marriage to Hanse Davion, and the unification of the Federated Commonwealth. His holdings in the Isle of Skye have long been the hotbed of discontent and revolt; under his leadership, both publicly and covertly, Skye has continued to thwart the new alliance.
- Victor Ian Steiner-Davion: The eldest child of Hanse and Melissa, Victor stands to inherit the thrones of two realms, making him the most powerful individual since Richard Cameron's death. Many have already predicted Victor will be unequal to the tasks before him, and can never rival his legendary father, the Fox. So far, however, Victor seems unwilling to be granted anything simply because of his royal status. It remains to be seen how long this humility will last .
Justin Allard: Head of the Federated Suns Ministry of Information and Intelligence Organization (MIIO), Justin Xiang Allard is one of the most famous (or infamous) individuals in the Inner Sphere. After losing his left arm in a 'Mech battle, Justin was apparently exiled from the Federated Suns by Prince Hanse himself. Justin Xiang, as he called himself, traveled to the Game World, Solaris VII, where he swiftly dominated the 'Mech combats, killing Federated Suns Champion Philip Capet in battle. He then joined the Maskirovka (Capellan Intelligence), advising Maximillian Liao during the 4th War. In 3029, however, he revealed himself to be a Davion deep agent, having tricked the Capellan Confederation into using a defective myomer on their elite BattleMech forces. Since then, he has returned to the Federated Suns and served Hanse Davion loyally. Justin married Candace Liao, Maximillian Liao's eldest daughter, whom he met and fell in love with while on Sian. Their eldest child, Kai Allard-Liao, was born in 3030.
- Tormano Liao: The eldest son of Maximillian Liao, Tormano was banished from Sian by his father, and now lives in the Federated Commonwealth. He is the head of the Free Capella Movement, an organization devoted to toppling Romano Liao's reign, and protecting the Capellan citizens from her tyranny.
- Takashi Kurita: The Coordinator of the Draconis Combine, Takashi is the epitome of a samurai's lifestyle. He is devoted to the honor of House Kurita. He has long feuded with his only son and heir, Theodore Kurita. Theodore is a much less strict adherent to Bushido, and Takashi has always resented Theodore's lack of wisdom and honor. Shortly before the 4th Succession War, Takashi Kurita hired the elite mercenary unit, Wolf's Dragoons to a five year contract; the Dragoons were poorly treated by the DCMS, and seemed unlikely to renew their contract. When his plans to retain the Dragoons service indeffinately failed, Takashi ordered Minobu Tetsuhara, a friend of Colonel Wolf and the leader of the Ryoken (a unit formed in the style of the Dragoons) to destroy the Dragoons lest they sign on with another house. Tetsuhara failed to destroy the Dragoons on Misery, and committed seppuku. During the marriage of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner in 3028, Jaime Wolf confronted Takashi Kurita and blamed him for the death of Minobu, declaring a blood feud between Takashi and the Dragoons. Suffering the effects of a serious (but undetected) stroke, Takashi issued his infamous "Death to Mercenaries" order, commanding the DCMS to kill all mercenaries captured in the war, and devoted most of his effort to destroying the Dragoons. He failed, and the Combine lost several worlds to the Lyran Commonwealth as a result of Takashi's rash actions. During the recent War of 3039, the DCMS was led by Takashi's son, Theodore, and managed to hold off the AFFC. Since then, Theodore and Takashi seemed to have resolved their dispute, though some tension remains between them.
- Theodore Kurita: The Gunji no Kanrei of the DCMS, Theodore is a gifted strategist, but a poor samurai. This has led to years of feuding between Theodore and Takashi. Before the 4th Succession War, Theodore was exiled to the poorly equipped 11th Legion of Vega. Despite the Legion's handicaps, Theodore and the Legions of Vega managed to win several key victories against the Lyran Commonwealth, nearly conquering the Isle of Skye. Takashi, still furious at his son but realizing he had to reward his victories, appointed Theodore to Gunji no Kanrei (Deputy of Military Affairs). Theodore surprised many by reforming the DCMS with his new authority, recruiting the criminal Yakuza into the military, and training the DCMS to fight for more than personal honor. Many believe Theodore overruled his father when the Draconis Combine recognized the independence of Rasalhague in 3034. During the Ronin Wars that followed, Theodore was able to purge most of the old guard hard-liners from the DCMS. His strategies managed to hold off the combined militaries of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns (including Hanse, "The Fox," Davion) in the War of 3039. Since his success in 3039, Theodore and Takashi seem to have mended their differences. Whether this is a true reconciliation, or merely and act to fool their enemies is unclear. Theodore apparently married his wife, Tomoe, in secret sometime around 3020. He only revealed his marriage to the public (and Takashi) in 3033. Very little is known about Tomoe Kurita, but their eldest child, Hohiro, is Theodore's legal heir.
- Narimasa Ansano: Leader of the elite Genyosha regiment, Ansano is a devout follower of Theodore Kurita. He leads the Genyosha according to Theodore's new style. He has helped train many of the new DCMS troops, and is an excellent commander.
- Subhash Indrahar: The Director of Kurita's Internal Security Force, little is known of Indrahar, aside from the fact that he is very skilled at his job. Indrahar has no clear successor to his position as head of the ISF.
- Thomas Marik: Badly scared from the bomb blast that killed his father, Thomas Marik has proven himself one of the more capable Captain-Generals in the history of the Free Worlds League. He has enacted Emergency Powers which further curtail the power of the Parliament, and has also expanded the League's industrial base considerably. He further managed to reconquer the Duchy of Andurien, and since then the League has been relatively stable. Thomas' son, Joshua, has been diagnosed with severe leukemia; doctors are unsure he'll live to adulthood.
- Romano Liao: Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, Romano is dangerously unstable on the best of days. She has ruled the Confederation since the defection of her sister, Candace, and the disappearance of their father Maximillian. Some continue to speculate (in secret) that Romano has had Maximillian killed, though there is no conclusive proof. Romano loathes her sister and Justin Allard, blaming them for the collapse of the Confederation during the 4th Succession War. Justin and Candace have been placed under an edict of death at least three times since 3030, though so far none of Romano's assassins has gotten near the two. Paranoid about the threat of further Davion agents, Romano has instituted the policy of torture as a means of proving loyalty. She currently has two children by Tsen Shang, Sun-Tzu and Kali. Kali has been adopted by the Thuggee cult, and seems to be following in her mother footsteps. Sun-Tzu has so far proven more stable.
- Tsen Shang: Director of the Maskirovka, Tsen Shang is the consort of Romano Liao. Once a friend of Justin Xiang, Tsen now has the thankless task of holding the Capellan Confederation together under the rule of Romano Liao. He implements her schemes as best he can, mitigating as much of her deviltry as he dares. When Romano flies out of control, he endures her tirades as stoically as possible. So far, he has managed to rebuild the Capellan military to the point it can defend the Confederation again. How long he can live safely in the midst of Romano's madness is anyone's guess.
- Myndo Waterly: Primus of ComStar, Myndo has proven herself to be a radical revisionist of the Word of Blake. Shortly after her induction as Primus, she began to post the ComGuards, the new military arm of ComStar, at HPG stations throughout the Inner Sphere. Where ComStar obtained these forces is uncertain; prior to 3030, ComStar had no known 'Mech forces, yet estimates now place the ComGuards total 'Mech force at somewhere between 30 and 40 regiments. Moreover, many of their 'Mechs are designs unknown to the Successor States. Many believe they are authentic SLDF BattleMechs ComStar stored on Earth after the fall of the Star League. Others have also pointed out that several similar 'Mechs have been seen in the service of Theodore Kurita during the War of 3039; they speculate that the Primus may have sold the Kanrei those 'Mechs, aiding his rapid reconstruction effort. These people point to ComStar increasing hostility toward the Federated Commonwealth as evidence of Myndo's attempts to undermine the new state. At any rate, Myndo has thus far been fairly popular within the ranks of ComStar. The ComGuards, by aiding local populations against natural disasters and pirate raids, have helped earn the trust of many citizens of the Inner Sphere.
- Anastius Focht: The new Precenter Martial (Head of Military Operations) of ComStar, the one eyed Focht is as mysterious as the ComGuards he commands. Despite his obviously germanic bearing, there is no known record of him in the Lyran Commonwealth. Nonetheless, he is undoubtedly a skilled military leader, training the ComGuards well, despite their youth and dispersed stations.
- Sharilar Mori: The Precenter Dieron (Head of Draconis Combine Operations) of ComStar, Sharilar Mori is a supporter of Primus Waterly and her new plans. Mori appears to be Waterly's protégé, and is most likely to replace the Primus when she steps down.
- Candace Liao: Duchess of St. Ives, Candace Liao has abandoned her claim to the Celestial Throne in order to marry Justin Allard. Candace is a skilled politician and administrator, and has been remarkably free of the madness which often plagues the Liao family. Her St. Ives Compact has steadfastly retained its political and cultural independence from the Federated Suns, although AFFC units do help defend the Compact. She and her brother Tormano both covertly try to aid the citizens of the Confederation caught under Romano's thumb.
- Haakon Magnusson: "The Silver Fox" has fought for Rasalhague's independence all his life. Captured and imprisoned by Kuritan security several times, Magnusson and his followers finally gained their freedom in 3034. Since then Magnusson has been twice elected to rule the Republic as Elected Prince; Rasalhague's Constitution prevents anyone from hold more than two terms in that office. Magnusson's successor after he steps down is unknown. Haakon has proven an able leader, establishing a credible (if small) military in the KungsArme, and cementing trade agreements with both the Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine. Magnusson keeps the FRR strictly neutral with regard to its two neighbors, but he seems to trust Kanrei Theodore Kurita, due to the Kanrei's aid during the Ronin Wars.
- Tor Miraborg: The Iron Jarl of Gunzburg, Miraborg is one of the most influential leaders within Rasalhague. He had a very successful military career in the service of Rasalhague independence, until he was crippled in the Ronin Wars. Miraborg blames the mercenaries fighting under contract to the Republic for his injuries, and his hatred of mercenaries has greatly fueled the Republic's hatred as well. He now rules the planet of Gunzburg with a stern hand. Nonetheless, his people trust and even idolize him. Miraborg's daughter, Tyra, is proving to be a skilled AeroSpace pilot.
- Emma Centrella: The current Magistrix of Canopus, Emma is a popular and fairly honest leader. She has begun to return the Magistracy to a growing economy, and she has worked hard to better relations with its neighbors, mostly the Free Worlds League and the Taurian Concordant
- Jaime Wolf: Colonel Wolf is the commander of the elite mercenary unit Wolf's Dragoons. Wolf is a fantastic MechWarrior and a brilliant strategist. Under his leadership, the Dragoons have become the most feared and respected mercenary unit within the Inner Sphere. Like the Dragoons themselves, nothing is known of Wolf's life prior to his sensational appearance in 3005. He has a deep hatred for Takashi Kurita, whom he blames for the death of his friend, Minobu Tetsuhara, and the hideous damage done to the Dragoons before the 4th Succession War.
- Natasha Kerensky Stunningly beautiful, unquestionably talented, unendingly dramatic, Captain Kerensky is almost certainly the most famous MechWarrior since General Alexandre Kerensky fled the Inner Sphere. Natasha leads the Black Widow Company, a full company of the toughest, rowdiest MechWarriors in the Wolf's Dragoons. Like all of Wolf's Dragoons, nothing is known of Natasha's early life, but many speculate that she is a descendant of the great General Kerensky himself. Natasha has nothing to say on the subject, but her silence only provokes further speculation. She is the sworn enemy of the elusive Bounty Hunter, and is extremely loyal to Colonel Wolf.
- J. Elliot Jameson: Commander of Wolf's Dragoons' Zeta Battalion, Jameson is a maverick, but talented, leader. He is loyal to Colonel Wolf, and is a perfect match for Zeta Battalion's bold style and crushing firepower.
- Morgan Kell: Morgan and his brother Patrick formed the Kell Hounds in 3011. The unit swiftly became a feared force throughout the Inner Sphere. But during the Second Battle for Mallory's World in 3016, something changed. Hard pressed by the 2nd Sword of Light, Colonel Morgan Kell chose to duel the Kurita commander, Yorinaga Kurita, for the safety of the Hounds. During the duel, Morgan's Archer supposedly vanished from the scanners of the surrounding 'Mechs. The Sword of Light left Mallory's World, and both Morgan and Yorinaga went into seclusion. Twelve years later, Yorinaga returned from his monastery and killed Patrick Kell. Morgan then returned to lead the Kell Hounds, and again defeated Yorinaga in a duel in 3029. Since then, Morgan has run the Kell Hounds, building them into one of the most respected mercenary forces within the Successor States. In 3041, he finally retired and turned command of the Hounds over to Lt. Colonel Daniel Allard, and began to train Christian Kell, Patrick's unknown son. Morgan still advises the Kell Hounds, and no one will ever take the rank of Colonel while he lives. Morgan is a deadly MechWarrior, and a gifted leader, but he is no longer the free spirit he was in his youth. His years in the monastery have left him somber and wise. He is a firm supporter of the Steiner family, and Melissa Steiner-Davion in particular.
- Dr. B. Banzai: The enigmatic leader of Team Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers, Dr. Banzai is a master of many fields. He is a skilled MechWarrior, and is one of the few men able to design 'Mechs in modern times. He is credited with the designs of both the Hatchetman and the Wolfhound in the 3020s, and has supposedly been working on his new Axeman design. He is definitely an eccentric, but his skill is indeed good enough to make up for it.
The Bounty Hunter: The Bounty Hunter is a mysterious MechWarrior of unquestioned talent. He pilots a green Marauder covered in credit symbols, and he wears a suit of combat armor at all times. No one has ever seen his face, and his personal history is utterly unknown. The Bounty Hunter is also the only living enemy of the equally infamous Natasha Kerensky, who blames him for the death of her old command in the Dragoons. No one is willing to bet on which of the two will eventually come out on top, should they ever cross swords again.
Historic Personalities:
- Ian Cameron: Founder of the Star League, Ian Cameron and his descendants ruled the League as First Lord until its dissolution in 2767.
- Richard Cameron: Last First Lord of the Star League, Richard and his heirs were murdered by Stefan Amaris in 2767.
- Stefan Amaris: The Usurper. Leader of the Rim Worlds Republic, Amaris murdered Richard Cameron and every man, woman and child with a drop of Cameron blood, in his bid to rule the Star League. His Coup was opposed by General Alexandre Kerensky, Commander of the Star League Defense Force, and guardian of Richard Cameron. Stefan Amaris was killed when Kerensky retook Earth in 2779. He is easily the most hated being in modern history.
- Alexandre Kerensky: Commander of the SLDF at the time of the Civil War, Kerensky led the conquest of the Rim Worlds Republic, and finally the liberation of Earth in 2779. He was then stripped of his authority by the First Court of the Star League, all of whom desired to become the next First Lord. In 2781, the First Court failed to elect a new First Lord, and officially disbanded the Star League. Many called upon Kerensky to seize power; instead, in 2784, he led nearly 80% of the SLDF out of Star League space, and beyond the Periphery. Since this "Exodus," nothing has been learned about Kerensky or his followers. Like King Arthur, many believe Kerensky will return when most needed.
- Jerome Blake: A communications specialist who served with General Kerensky during the Civil War, Blake remained behind when Kerensky left. He formed ComStar to help rebuild the HPG relay stations destroyed in the Civil War, but as the First Succession War began, he feared the Inner Sphere might be destroyed by the savagery. He declared ComStar a strictly neutral power, willing to serve all of the great houses. In 2788, SLDF forces under Blake's command seized Earth in the name of ComStar. Blake hoped to spare Earth the ravages of war, and ComStar's neutrality helped protect the homeworld. Blake died in 2819. His successor, Conrad Toyama, declared Blake a prophet, and ComStar has worshipped the Word of Blake ever since.
- Ian Davion: Prince Ian Davion was Hanse's elder brother, and ruled the Federated Suns until his death in 3013. Ian was killed by Yorinaga Kurita during the First Battle for Mallory's World.
- Joshua Wolf: Jaime Wolf's brother, and Natasha Kerensky's lover. He served as the Dragoon's liaison officer to Anton Marik during the time the Dragoons supported Anton's attempt to seize power in the Free Worlds League. When Anton's demand that the Dragoons be integrated with his other troops was refused, Anton executed Joshua and several other Dragoon dependents. The Dragoons, furious at the murders, destroyed Anton's base, crushed his army, and executed the would-be Captain-General.
- Minobu Tetsuhara: The first liaison officer between Wolf's Dragoons and the Draconis Combine, Minobu became a fast friend of Colonel Jaime Wolf. Minobu was a strict follower of Bushido. Takashi Kurita ordered him to form the Ryoken, a new DCMS force trained in the style of the Dragoons. When the relationship between the Combine and Dragoons fell apart in 3028, Warlord Samsonov ordered Minobu and the Ryoken to destroy the Dragoons on the ice world of Misery. Despite Minobu's best effort, the Dragoons finally won the conflict on Misery. Having failed his lord, Minobu chose to commit seppuku.
- Patrick Kell: Brother of Morgan Kell, Patrick ran the Kell Hounds after Morgan abandoned the unit in 3016. He was an able leader, and a good MechWarrior. In 3027, the Genyosha attempted to destroy the Kell Hounds, and Patrick led them to the planetoid of Styx. Patrick died defending the passengers of the DropShip Silver Eagle, including Archon-Designate Melissa Steiner. He was killed in battle by Yorinaga Kurita.
- Frederick Steiner: Cousin of Archon Katrina Steiner, Frederick was a brilliant military leader. Unfortunately, he was also a poor politician, and soon became a pawn of Aldo Lestrade's schemes to take the Lyran Throne. He died in 3029, when Archon Katrina ordered his elite 10th Lyran Guards to destroy Theodore Kurita's forces on Dromini VI. Theodore's forces threatened to conquer the whole of the Isle of Skye unless they could be delayed. Between the 10th's fearless assault, and a covert team's sabotage of the Kuritan JumpShips, Theodore's attack was halted. Frederick Steiner surrendered himself to Theodore Kurita in exchange for repatriation of the surviving 10th Lyran Guards. Theodore executed him shortly thereafter.
- Yorinaga Kurita: A cousin of Takashi Kurita, Yorinaga was a brilliant leader of the elite 2nd Sword of Light, until his disgraceful loss at the hands of Morgan Kell in 3016. In 3027, he returned from exile to form a new elite unit, the Genyosha (Black Ocean Warriors). Yorinaga then attempted to destroy the Kell Hounds under Patrick Kell, but failed. He killed Patrick in combat on Styx. In 3029, he and the Genyosha met Morgan Kell and the Kell Hounds again on Nusakan. Morgan and Yorinaga fought one final duel, which Morgan appears to have won (though some claim he refused to fight). Yorinaga then committed seppuku to atone for his failure. Yorinaga was a brilliant leader, and, like Morgan, was supposedly untargetable by other BattleMechs. Yorinaga's son, Akira Brahe, has served in the Kell Hounds since his father's death.
- Katrina Steiner: Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, Katrina spent several of her early years on the run from Lyran Security, along with Morgan Kell and her future husband, Arthur Luvon. When she finally returned to Tharkad, she disposed her uncle, Alessandro Steiner as Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth. In 3023, she began the current alliance with Hanse Davion of the Federated Suns. She died peacefully in 3040, shortly after turning over rule of the Commonwealth to her daughter Melissa.
- The Red Corsair: A mythical Periphery pirate, the Red Corsair was a beautiful, female MechWarrior whose exploits, even if only imaginary, are legendary. Several appearences of the Red Corsair are now known to have been Katrina Steiner, attempting to hide from Loki along the Periphery. Reports of the Corsair continue to appear over the years; no one knows if one (or more) new Corsairs have taken up the mantle, or if these appearences are purly fictional.
- The Immortal Warrior: The Immortal Warrior is a fictitious MechWarrior of absurd skill and luck. He has had a fantastic holodrama career, beginning in the late 30th Century; The Immortal Warrior 40 has just been released in the Lyran Commonwealth, and the series contiunes to yield great profits. Many MechWarriors disdain the series for its childish depictions of battles, but many more feel the Immortal Warrior is great, mindless entertainment.
Part V: Noteworthy Locations
- Earth: Homeworld of mankind, seat of the old Star League, Earth is now controlled by ComStar. Earth is the central nexus of their massive HPG network. Few non-ComStar visitors are permitted, and even fewer since Myndo Waterly began her reign as Primus.
- New Avalon: Capital of the Federated Suns.
- New Avalon Institute of Science: The premier research institute in the Inner Sphere. The NAIS has recently released several breakthroughs in medicine, and is rumored to have developed a new Double Strength Heat Sink. The NAIS was attacked by the Liao Death Commandos in 3029, but the attack was repelled thanks to Team Banzai and Hanse Davion himself.
- Kathil: The largest remaining shipyards in the Inner Sphere, Kathil manufactures several new DropShips and JumpShips a year, and repairs many more.
- Galatea: The Mercenary Star, Galatea is the heart of the mercenary universe. Representatives from all of the major houses can be found there, and mercenaries looking for hire make Galatea their first stop. In recent years, Outreach has begun to compete with Galatea, due to the efforts of Wolf's Dragoons to help support and regulate the mercenary world.
- Outreach: Homeworld of Wolf's Dragoons (and Blackwell Corporation) since end of the 4th Succession War, Outreach has become an increasingly prominent world in mercenary circles, rivaling Galatea.
- Tharkad: Capital of the Lyran Commonwealth.
- Nagelring: The foremost Lyran military academy, and regarded as one of the best such academies within the Successor States.
- St. Marinus House: A monestary for retired MechWarriors on Zaniah, St. Marinus House is well known for the many famous warriors who laid down their swords to retreat there, most recently Morgan Kell.
- Solaris VII: The Game Worlds. Solaris VII has been the site of gladiator style 'Mech battles for over 300 years. Currently within the Lyran Commonwealth, citizens of every major government may be found on Solaris. All of the Great Houses (except Kurita, who consider such warriors honorless) maintain several 'Mech stables on Solaris. Great fortunes can be made, or lost, on Solaris for those with the guts to try. The current Champions of Solaris are the O'Bannon sisters, who fight in identical Marauder IIs.
- Hesperus II: Home of Defiance Industries, the largest 'Mech production facility left in the Inner Sphere. This planet has been raided countless times, but since the First Succession War, only Wolf's Dragoons have managed to get anywhere near the facilities themselves, and even they failed to capture Defiance.
- Skye: The center of organized resistance to the merger of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns, Skye is the holding of Ryan Steiner.
- Atreus: Capital of the Free Worlds League.
- Irian: Home to the second largest BattleMech production facility in the Inner Sphere.
- Tikonov: Briefly the capital of the Free Tikonov Republic, Tikonov is a target for much of Romano's outrage at the Federated Suns. It is also home to a sizable 'Mech production facility, increasing its value.
- Sian: Capital of the Capellan Confederation.
- St. Ives: Once a sector capital of the Capellan Confederation, now the capital of the independent St. Ives Compact.
- Luthien: Capital of the Draconis Combine. Called Black Luthien do to its beginnings as a heavy industry world, Luthien is the heart and soul of the Combine.
- Kentares: Site of the infamous Kentares Massacre early in the First Succession War. In 2796, Jinjiro Kurita ordered his troops to murder everyone on Kentares IV in retaliation for the assassination of the previous Coordinator, Minoru Kurita.
- Rasalhague: Capital of the newly independent Free Rasalhague Republic.
- Taurus: Capital of the Taurian Concordant.
- New Vandenburg: A growing industrial world, New Vandenburg has begun manufacturing many old, but popular, BattleMech designs.
- Canopus: Capital of the Magistracy of Canopus.
Part VI: Terms to Remember:
- AeroSpace Fighter: A fighter capable of operating in space or an atmosphere.
- AFFC: Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth.
- AFFS: Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.
- Archon: Ruler of the Lyran Commonwealth.
- Ares Convention: Rules of 'civilized' warfare adopted in 2412.
- Battalion: A unit of three (3) Companies.
- The Black Widow: Natasha Kerensky.
- Captain-General: Ruler of the Free Worlds League.
- Celestial Throne: Synonymous with rulership of the Capellan Confederation; the Throne of the Chancellor on Sian.
- Chancellor: Ruler of the Capellan Confederation.
- Civil War: Generally referring to Stefan Amaris' attempted Coup in 2767.
- Combined Arms: A unit which employs both BattleMechs and conventional vehicles, infantry and/or artillery support.
- Command Circuit: A series of JumpShips in various systems. Command Circuits allow a DropShip to jump rapidly from one system to the next without waiting for a specific JumpShip to recharge.
- Company: A unit of three (3) Lances.
- Coordinator: Ruler of the Draconis Combine.
- DCMS: Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery. The Combine's Regular Army.
- Dragon: Embodiment of the Draconis Combine. Often used to mean the Coordinator himself.
- DropShip: A large cargo vessel, DropShips are used to bring material (or military equipment) to and from a planet's surface. No FTL capability.
- Elected Prince: Ruler of the Free Rasalhague Republic.
- Exodus: Departure of the bulk of the SLDF under General Alexandre Kerensky in 2784.
- First Circuit: Either the main series of HPGs within the old Terran Hegemony which handle most of ComStar's traffic, or the Precentors of each of the First Circuit stations, who rule ComStar along with the Primus.
- First Lord: Ruler of the old Star League.
- First Prince: Ruler of the Federated Commonwealth.
- The Fox: Nickname of Hanse Davion.
- Gunji no Kanrei: Deputy of Military Affairs; head of the DCMS.
- HPG: Hyper Pulse Generator. The FTL communications system maintained by ComStar.
- Inner Sphere: Area occupied by the five great houses, once part of the old Star League.
- ISF: Internal Security Force; Kurita secret police.
- JumpShip: Large FTL ships, JumpShips use a K-F Drive to move DropShips from one system to another. JumpShips are unarmed and cannot land on planets.
- K-F Drive: Kearny-Fuchida Drive.
- Kearny-Fuchida Drive: The Jump drive, an FTL drive which can 'jump' up to 30 light-years instantaneously. Named after two theoretical physicists who first developed the theory in the early Twenty-First Century.
- KungsArme: Rasalhague Military.
- Lance: A unit of four (4) Squads; an Air Lance consists of two (2) AeroSpace Fighters.
- LCAF: Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces.
- LIC: Lyran Information Corps.
- Loki: Lyran counter-espionage force.
- Lostech: General term for Star League technology which has been lost during the Succession Wars.
- Maskirovka: Capellan Intelligence organization.
- MechWarrior: BattleMech pilot.
- MIIO: Ministry of Information and Intelligence Operations; Davion Intelligence.
- Myomer: Synthetic muscle which makes BattleMechs possible; myomers contract when a voltage is applied.
- NAIS: New Avalon Institute of Science. Most advanced research institute in the Inner Sphere.
- Periphery: Known space outside the Inner Sphere; though they were not originally members of the Star League, they were forced into the League during the Reunification Wars.
- Pirate Point: An area of space inside a system to which a JumpShip may saftely transit. Pirate points allow faster travel to planets, but are difficult to calculate precisely.
- Primus: Quasi-religous head of ComStar.
- RCT: Regimental Combat Team.
- Regiment: A unit of three (3) Battalions. The largest standardized unit in modern armies. The SLDF used larger units (Brigades, Divisions, Corps
and Armies), but such terms are useless in the modern military world.
- Regimental Combat Team: A combined arms force in which a regiment of BattleMechs is trained alongside a conventional supporting force. Common in the times of the Star League, the RCT is now being used only by the AFFC.
- ROM: ComStar's Intelligence organization.
- SAFE: Free Worlds League Intelligence organization.
- Solar Sail: A huge solar collector deployed by JumpShips to recharge the K-F Drive.
- Squad: Either 1 BattleMech, 1 AeroSpace Fighter, 1 conventional vehicle, or 7 infantryman.
- The Silver Fox: Nickname for Haakon Magnusson.
- SLDF: Star League Defense Force. The regular Star League Army.
- Successor States: The five great houses (Davion, Kurita, Liao, Marik and Steiner) who once formed the First Court of the Star League and now struggle to dominate each other.
- The Usurper: Stefan Amaris, who murdered Richard Cameron in order to seize control of the Star League.
- WarShips: Armed combat JumpShips capable of movement within a star system. The ability to manufacture and maintain WarShips has been lost during the Succession Wars. No known WarShips exist in the Successor States.