Reviews & Books

  1. Hynes, R.O. (2012). The Evolution of Metazoan Extracellular Matrix. J.Cell Biol. 196(6): 671-679. PMCID: PMC3308698
  2. Bergmeier, W., and Hynes, R.O. (2012). Extracellular Matrix Proteins in Hemostasis and Thrombosis. In Extracellular Matrix Biology (eds. R.O. Hynes and K.M. Yamada). Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 3:a005132. Published online September 21, 2011. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a005132.
  3. Hynes, R.O., and Naba, A. (2012). Overview of the Matrisome—An Inventory of Extracellular Matrix Constituents and Functions. In Extracellular Matrix Biology (eds. R.O. Hynes and K.M. Yamada). Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 3: a004903. Published online September 21, 2011. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a004903
  4. Hynes, R.O. and Yamada, K.M. (2012). Editors. Extracellular Matrix Biology. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
  5. Hynes, R.O. (2011). Metastatic cells will take any help they can get. Cancer Cell 20: 689-690. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2011.11.022. PMCID: PMC3462586.
  6. Hynes, R.O. and Yamada, K.M. (2011). Editors. Extracellular Matrix Biology. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
  7. Hynes. The Extracellular Matrix: Not Just Pretty Fibrils. Science (2009) vol. 326 (5957) pp. 1216-1219. PMCID: PMC3536535
  8. Hynes, R.O. (2007).  Cell-matrix adhesion in vascular development.  J. Thromb. Haemostasis. 5(Suppl.1) 32-40.
  9. Wong, S.Y. and Hynes, R.O. (2007).  Tumor-lymphatic interactions in an activated stromal microenvironment.     J. Cell Biochem. 101(4):840-50.
  10. McCarty, J.H. and Hynes, R.O. (2006).  Endothelial cell integrins. in The Endothelium: A Comprehensive Reference.  Ed. William C. Aird.  Cambridge University Press, New York.
  11. Xu, L. and Hynes, R.O. (2006). GPR56 and TG2: possible roles in suppression of tumor growth by the microenvironment. Cell Cycle. 6(2):160-5.
  12. Whittaker, C.A., Bergeron, K.F., Whittle, J., Brandhorst, B.P., Burke, R.D. and Hynes R. O. (2006).  The echinoderm adhesome.  Dev. Biol. 300: 252-266.
  13. Wong, S.Y. and Hynes, R.O. (2006). Lymphatic or hematogenous dissemination: how does a metastatic tumor cell decide?  Cell Cycle 5: 812-817.
  14. McCarty, J.H. and Hynes, R.O. (2006) . Integrins and formation of the microvasculature  in  Encyclopedia of the Microvasculature. Shepro, D. (editor), Elsevier Academic Press.
  15. Moreno J.D. and Hynes, R.O. (2005).  Guidelines for human embryonic stem cell research.  Nat Biotechnol. 23:793-794.
  16. Hynes, R.O. (2004). The emergence of integrins: a personal and historical perspective. Matrix Biology 23: 331-338. PMCID: 3493146
  17. Hynes, R.O. (2003). Changing Partners. Science: 300: 755-756.
  18. Hynes, R.O. (2002) Integrins: bi-directional, allosteric, signaling machines. Cell. Vol. 110: 673-687.
  19. Hynes, R.O. (2002) A reevaluation of integrins as regulators of angiogenesis. Nature Medicine 8: 918-921.
  20. Hynes, R.O. (2000). Whither Cell Biology? The Scientist. 14: 43.
  21. Hynes, R.O. and Zhao, Q. (2000). The evolution of cell adhesion. J.Cell Biol. 150:F89-F95.
  22. Rubin, G.M. et al. (2000). Comparative genomics of the eukaryotes. Science 287:2204-2215.
  23. Hynes, R.O. (1999). Cell adhesion: old and new questions. Trends Millenium Issue. M33-37.
  24. Hynes, R.O., Bader, B.L. and Hodivala-Dilke, K. (1999) Integrins in vascular development. Brazilian J. Medical and Biological Res..32:501-510.
  25. Tsakiris, D.A., Smyth, S., Scudder, L., Hodivala-Dilke, K., Hynes, R.O. and Coller, B.S. (1999). Hemostasis in the mouse, Mus musculus: a review. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 81:177-188.
  26. Clark, E. A. and Hynes, R.O. (1997) Meeting report. 1997 Keystone Symposium on Signal Transduction by Cell Adhesion Receptors. BBA Reviews on Cancer. 1333: R9-R16.
  27. Hynes, R.O. and Bader, B.L. (1997) Targeted mutations in integrins and their ligands: their implications for vascular biology. Thromb. and Haem. 78:83-87.
  28. Hynes, R.O. and Wagner, D.D. (1996) Genetic manipulation of vascular adhesion molecules in mice. J.Clin. Invest., 98: 2193-2195
  29. Hynes, R.O. (1996) Targeted mutations in cell adhesion genes: what have we learned from them? Devel. Biol. 180: 402-412.
  30. Wagner, D.D. and Hynes, R.O. (1996). Gene targeting of adhesion molecules in the vasculature. In: Molecular Genetics and Gene Therapy of Cardiovascular Diseases. S.C. Mockrin, Ed. Marcel Dekker, New York. pp. 403-425.
  31. Hynes, R.O. (1994). The impact of molecular biology on models for cell adhesion. Bioessays 16:663-669.
  32. Gotwals, P. Paine-Saunders, S., Stark, K., and Hynes, R. O. (1994). Drosophila integrins and their ligands. Curr. Opin. in Cell Biol. 6:734-739.
  33. Hynes, R.O. (1994). Genetic analyses of cell-matrix interactions in development. Current Opin. in Genetics and Devel. 4:569-574.
  34. George, E. L. and Hynes, R.O. (1994). Gene targeting and generation of mutant mice for studies of cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Methods in Enzymology 245:386-420.
  35. Hynes, R.O. (1992). Integrins: versatility, modulation and signalling in cell adhesion. Cell 69:11-25.
  36. Hynes, R.O. and Lander, A.D. (1992). Contact and adhesive specificities in the associations, migrations, and targeting of cells and axons. Cell 68:303-322.
  37. Hynes, R.O. (1990). Fibronectins. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  38. Hynes. R.O., Schwarzbauer, J.E. and Tamkun, J.W. (1987). Isolation and analysis of cDNA and genomic clones of fibronectin and its receptor. in Methods in Enzymology (L.W. Cunningham, ed). 144:447-463.
  39. Lawler, J. and Hynes, R.O. (1987). Structural Organization of the Thrombospondin Molecule. in Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis. 13:245-253. (Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc. New York, NY).
  40. Hynes, R.O. (1987). Integrins: a family of cell surface receptors. Cell, 48:549-554.
  41. Hynes, R.O. (1987). Fibronectins: a family of complex and versatile adhesive glycoproteins derived from a single gene. "The Harvey Lectures", 81:133-152.
  42. Hynes, R.O. (1986). Fibronectins . Scientific American, 254:42-51.
  43. Hynes, R.O. (1985). Molecular Biology of Fibronectin. Ann. Rev. Cell Biol. 1:67-90.
  44. Hynes, R.O. and Yamada, K.M. (1982). Fibronectins: multifunctional modular glycoproteins. J. Cell Biol. 95:369-377.
  45. Hynes, R.O. (1981). Fibronectin and its relation to cellular structure and behαvior. In, "The Cell Biology of the Extracellular Matrix", ed. E.D. Hay, Plenum Press, pp. 295-333.
  46. Hynes, R.O. (1981). Relationships between fibronectin and the cytoskeleton, In, "Cytoskeletal Elements and Plasma Membrane Organization" Cell Surface Reviews 7:97-139, eds. G. Poste and G.L. Nicolson, Elsevier-Biomedical Press.
  47. Hynes, R.O. and Fox, C.F. editors. (1980). "Tumor Cell Surfaces and Malignancy", Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York.
  48. Hynes, R.O. editor. (1979). "Surfaces of Normal and Malignant Cells". John Wiley and Sons.
  49. Hynes, R.O. (1976). Surface labelling techniques for eukaryotic cells, in "New Techniques in Biophysics and Cell Biology", 3:147-212, (R. Pain and B.J. Smith, eds.) Wiley International Publishers.
  50. Hynes, R.O. (1976). Cell surface proteins and malignant transformation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 458:73-107.
  51. Hynes, R.O. (1974). Role of surface alterations in cell transformation: the importance of proteases and surface proteins. Cell 1:147-158.