"Energy" for Energy in the School of Engineering
by Dean Thomas L. Magnanti, Vol. 3, No. 4, July 2006
The need for workable energy options is perhaps the greatest single challenge facing our nation and the world in the 21st century.
– MIT Energy Research Council
The energy conundrum
In a recent short course on energy for our faculty and several alumni, I noted the following: over the past 100 years, energy consumption has grown by about an order of magnitude, with consumption per capita growing roughly 2.5 fold and population increasing almost four fold. So we have seen and will continue to see the multiplicative effect of increasing population and increasing consumption per capita. Could we deal with another order of magnitude in consumption in the century ahead?[1]
Indeed, this is only one of the extremely daunting and complicated questions we must answer as the world addresses future energy needs. A few of the major critical challenges involved in this arena include:
- a projected doubling of energy use and tripling of electricity demand within a half century, calling for a substantial increase in fossil fuel supplies or dramatic transformation of the fossil fuel-based energy infrastructure;
- geological and geopolitical realities concerning the availability of oil and, to some extent, natural gas – specifically the concentration of resources and political instability in the Middle East - underlie major security concerns; and
- increasing consideration of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion in decisions about how the global energy system evolves - either carrying on with a "business as usual," overwhelming dependence on fossil fuels, or choosing to introduce technologies and policies that greatly improve efficiency, dramatically expand use of less carbon-intensive or "carbon free" energy, and implement large-scale carbon dioxide capture and sequestration.[2]
MIT responds
In her May 2005 inaugural address, MIT President Susan Hockfield called on the Institute to renew its commitment to energy-related research and education. Stating that MIT has a responsibility to address the world's energy problems, she established the MIT Energy Research Council (ERC)[3]. The ERC set out to assess the scope of MIT energy research, explore how to best match MIT expertise with global needs, and produce a plan for a cohesive initiative to tackle the world's energy crisis through science, engineering, and education. More than 100 faculty submitted white papers to the ERC with faculty from all schools and most departments participating, and this past May, the ERC produced a major report for consideration and discussion by the MIT community. [See sidebar for link to Report.]
The School of Engineering: "energy" for energy
It should come as no surprise that the School of Engineering at MIT is committing significant effort to this initiative and its goals of developing solutions to global energy challenges. Over the decades, the School has repeatedly stepped up to the plate to take on the world's most pressing issues and has made enormous contributions to technologies that have had a tremendous impact on our society: steel production, microwave radar, analog computers, the inertial guidance system for moon landings, novel drug delivery systems, and a prototype of the Internet, to name only a few. We have exemplified the spirit of MIT's motto, mens et manus,[4] applying knowledge to solve critical, large-scale problems.
When it comes to energy, MIT's research efforts and technologies date back to at least 1874 and include:
- early work in steam engines, air and gas engines, boilers, combustion and fuel, ventilation and lighting;
- ductile tungsten for incandescent lamps;
- the fluidized-bed reactor for catalytic cracking of petroleum products, now the key unit in every petroleum refinery;
- the world's first effort to derive energy from the wind;
- the first reliable, relatively inexpensive method of liquefaction;
- pioneering work on nuclear fission and fusion; and
- the Solectria V solar racecar, which holds the world speed record of 90 mph for solar cars.
Today, we continue to demonstrate that MIT takes its societal responsibilities seriously. With the recognition of energy as one of the world's most compelling and visible problems, I expect that it will engage more than ever the imagination of the public at large. The needs and challenges are evident. As the leading engineering and science institution in the world, we have an obligation to contribute skills and knowledge to improving energy and also to participate significantly in the public dialogue on the broad, fundamental issues.
In championing our decision to shoulder this responsibility, the campus is bristling with fervor for our Energy Initiative. Over the past year, faculty, alumni, and business and governmental leaders have demonstrated great enthusiasm for MIT to assume a leadership role in defining and providing solutions to energy needs. Membership in the student Energy Club has swelled to more than 300. Alumni clubs around the country are becoming involved through local clean energy design competitions and are bringing faculty out to speak to club members on this important topic. There is definitely "energy" for energy.
Our outstanding engineering faculty, students, and researchers have already embraced the challenge and are using their considerable skills and expertise to work in many areas of energy: solar power, petroleum, coal, wind, tidal, batteries, fuel cells, geothermal, biomass, nuclear power. No question, the School of Engineering's involvement in MIT's Energy Initiative will be substantial and represent a very broad area for us. I expect that many exciting ideas, processes, and emerging technologies will bubble up from our faculty and students in the months to come.
Energy research thrusts, examples
MIT will develop some broad institutional thrusts as we further define our Energy Initiative efforts for the future. Although the ERC could not predict which specific projects would comprise the initiative as it evolves, it did outline three essential requirements that respond to the major challenges listed at the beginning of this article. According to ERC recommendations, MIT's initiative should:
- provide the enabling basic science and technology that may underpin major transformation of the global energy system in several decades;
- develop the technology and policy needed to make today's energy systems more effective, secure, and environmentally responsible; and
- create the energy technology and systems design needed for a rapidly developing world.[5]
To provide a glimpse into the many efforts in energy undertaken by the School of Engineering, let me offer a few examples that illustrate these three broad areas.
Science and technology for a clean energy future
Undertaking pioneering research aligned with our faculty's wide interests and extraordinary capabilities, we aim to create the science and technology that may underpin major transformation of the global energy system in several decades. The School already has a broad spectrum of relevant activities that can be expanded and additional areas of interest that could be quickly developed: nuclear fusion, new photovoltaic materials development (such as organic semiconductors), electrochemical storage and conversion, electrocatalysis, nanoscience-enabled storage, new materials for hydrogen storage, and biofuels from biomass by optimizing metabolic pathways. One example of our efforts includes the development of a new thermophotovoltaic device that could be replacing alternators in cars to save fuel. Recently, two graduate students in civil and environmental engineering won a grant to develop a solar micro-generator.
MIT engineering faculty have led several breakthroughs in batteries and energy storage:
- Professors Angela Belcher (Biological Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering), Paula Hammond (Chemical Engineering), and Yet-Ming Chiang (Materials Science and Engineering) have genetically manipulated tiny viruses to build ultra-small "nanowire" structures for use in very thin lithium-ion batteries. The idea is to create batteries that cram as much electrical energy into as small or lightweight a package as possible.
- Joel E. Schindall, professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and associate director of the Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems (LEES), and John G. Kassakian, EECS professor and director of LEES, are working on a nanotechnology-enhanced ultracapacitor that could be the first viable alternative to conventional batteries in more than 200 years.
- Professor Gerbrand Ceder of Materials Science and Engineering has developed a lithium battery based on a new material, lithium nickel manganese oxide, that could become a cheaper alternative to the batteries that now power hybrid electric cars.
- Professor Donald Sadoway of Materials Science and Engineering is investigating ways to eliminate all liquid from solid-state batteries – by using a polymer as the electrolyte separator, for instance – which could double or triple their capacity over the best existing commercial batteries.
Improving today's energy systems
Engineering faculty and researchers in our Nuclear Science and Engineering department and related research centers are actively working in a variety of areas that could contribute to significant energy improvements. Several examples include: alternative fuel designs to increase safety and improve economy of light water reactors (Professor Mujid Kazimi); nanofluids to enhance performance of nuclear power plants (Professor Jacopo Buongiorno); strategies to recycle nuclear fuel and minimize nuclear fuel cycle wastes (Professor Mujid Kazimi, Professor Neil Todreas, and Dr. Pavel Hejzlar); and using nuclear energy to reduce CO2 emissions from the transportation sector (Professors Mujid Kazimi and Andrew Kadak and Professor Emeritus Michael Driscoll).
In addition to the technological contributions to improve today's energy systems, the School of Engineering endeavors to make informed contributions to the public discussion of energy issues and to the formulation of important policy needed to make today's energy systems more economical, secure, and environmentally responsible. We have an important role to play as an "honest broker" with academic, corporate, and governmental constituencies, as the world certainly needs an "honest broker" in energy now more than ever. Complementing the work of our colleagues in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and the MIT Sloan School of Management, the Schools of Engineering and of Science can provide critical science and technology perspectives.
We have already seen this with a study on nuclear power issued and are anticipating a similar report on coal, an ongoing study that will be published later this year. In 2003, a team of researchers from MIT released a seminal report, "The Future of Nuclear Power: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study." [See sidebar for link to Report.] The interdisciplinary study maintained that "the nuclear option should be retained precisely because it is an important carbon-free source of power;" it quantitatively examined the barriers and solutions for nuclear power as a means of meeting future energy needs without carbon dioxide emissions. Last year, several MIT faculty and colleagues proposed a pragmatic plan, drawing on the nuclear study, that would allow the world to develop nuclear power without increased risk of weapons proliferation.
A current MIT study[6] is examining the positioning of coal as a major contributor to energy supply in a greenhouse gas-constrained world. Begun in 2004 and approaching completion at this time, it examines coal utilization technologies for performance and cost, CO2 sequestration status and needs, coal utilization in response to climate policy, coal use in China, and research, development, and demonstration needs; and will present policy recommendations.
Energy systems for a rapidly evolving world
In developing the energy technology and systems design needed for a rapidly developing world, the School of Engineering can again make dual contributions. We will be involved in the creation of new technologies and the understanding of them; we will also provide critical systems analysis of large, complex systems pertaining to energy. Two examples are understanding transportation systems used in the distribution of energy resources to create new models and the development of new materials that could be important to future construction of energy-efficient buildings. Professor Leon Glicksman, director of MIT's Building Technology Program, is building computer-based tools to help architects design commercial buildings without air conditioning, relying instead on natural breezes to cool occupants. This approach improves air quality, ensures good ventilation, and saves both energy and money.
Ready to take up the challenges of energy
MIT has an outstanding heritage of excellence in energy, but we can and should do more. The opportunity for MIT to make significant contributions to advancing energy research reflects our unique combination of talents and unparalleled strengths in engineering, science, public policy, architecture and business. We have a strong, arguably unique, tradition of working across traditional disciplinary boundaries, and our efforts in energy should build upon our historic interdisciplinary strengths across all these fields. An additional strength the School of Engineering brings to this arena is that we cover the full spectrum of technologies: from the very small to the very large, from nanotechnology in power-efficient chips through massive nuclear power plants.
Not only does MIT have the capacity and leadership to address short-term and long-term solutions and to develop an energy portfolio to tackle these challenging issues, we also have a tremendous ability to innovate. I'm very confident the School of Engineering will make many contributions to energy across the board through this new initiative. Our challenge will be to develop a "signature" technology or system that will be recognized in 2015 or 2020 as having significantly improved the global energy situation when compared against 2006, a contribution that will be known to have originated from work done at MIT. My dream is to wake up 10 years from now and to say that the MIT School of Engineering has improved the energy field for the world at large in a momentous way, that we have made a visible signature contribution. If we could do that, I am sure we'd all be extremely gratified.