The following publications of Energy Laboratory and related research
were released during the past period or are cited as references in
this issue. MIT theses may be ordered from the Library Document
Services, MIT, Room 14-0551, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. Other
publications may be ordered from Energy Laboratory Publications, MIT,
Room E40-473, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, only if a price is assigned
and only if prepaid by check payable to "MIT Energy Laboratory."
Prices are postpaid surface mail. For air delivery, add 15% to US,
Canada, and Mexico, and 30% elsewhere. A list of publications is
available on request.
Publications marked by an asterisk (*) can be found on-line via the
following addresses:
Energy Laboratory:
Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research:
Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change:
Instructions for ordering paper copies of the reports and working
papers are also available at the above listed sites or by telephoning
617-258-0307 for Energy Laboratory publications, 617-253-3551 for
Center publications, and 617-253-7492 for Joint Program publications.
Reports and Working Papers
Other Publications