July-September 1997 Issue
Using Optical Fibers to Monitor the Health
of Concrete Structures
ridges and
other reinforced concrete structures inevitably crack before they fail.
To look for cracks, owners of such structures perform periodic visual
technique that is both expensive and unreliable. Energy Laboratory and
Brown University researchers are now developing a sensor that can automatically
monitor concrete structures for cracking. The sensor involves an optical
fiber placed on or within the concrete structure. When a crack forms, the
fiber bends and light rays passing through it escape. By analyzing reductions
in the light signal, the sensor indicates not only the existence of new
cracks but also their sizes and locations. The sensor can detect multiple
cracks all along the length of the fiber--a major advantage over other sensors
being developed, which typically monitor only what happens at a particular
point. Both laboratory experiments and computer simulations demonstrate
the capabilities of the new sensor. Other experiments show that wrapping
optical fibers around a rod produces a crack sensor that can be embedded
into buried structures such as barriers for hazardous waste containment.
In related work, the researchers are using chemical deposition techniques
to produce optical fiber sensors that can detect strain (stretching or
shortening) at a local point on a concrete structure under stress. The
novel strain sensor is highly sensitive and a fraction the cost of optical
strain sensors produced by conventional means.
Optical Sensor for Detecting Cracks
A good way to monitor the condition of bridges and other reinforced
concrete structures is to look for cracks. For example, the advent of widely
opened cracks (several millimeters or more) after an earthquake indicates
severe damage and urgent need for repair. Smaller cracks can also cause
problems. Over time, water and road salt can seep in and corrode the reinforcing
steel bars embedded in the concrete, shortening the lifetime of the structure.
To prevent such damage, bridge owners are required by law to inspect their
bridges every other year. At present, the only means of inspection is by
looking. An inspector climbs over the bridge, examining the top, sides,
and bottom for cracks--a method that is time-consuming, expensive, and
unreliable because some cracks are missed. For buried concrete structures
such as underground containers, there are no reliable techniques for detecting
Various researchers have worked to develop sensors that can automatically
detect and monitor cracks in concrete. Approaches have involved transducers,
optical fibers, and other devices. But the sensors produced have limited
usefulness largely because they can only detect cracks that run through
them. In other words, they must be placed precisely where cracks will
that no one can predict.
Now Christopher K.Y. Leung, associate professor of civil and environmental
engineering at MIT, Theodore F. Morse, professor in the Division of Engineering
at Brown University, and their teams of researchers have used optical fibers
to develop a sensor that can detect cracks anywhere along the entire length
of the fiber, not limited to a single spot. The only information needed
is the general area that is vulnerable and the probable orientation of
cracks--factors that often can be predicted. For example, bridges crack
because downward pressure causes the surface of the bridge to compress
and the bottom to stretch. Since concrete is strong under compression but
weak under tension, cracks will tend to form on the underside of the bridge,
running crosswise.
Key to the sensor is how a beam of light traveling down an optical fiber
behaves when the fiber bends. An optical fiber is a solid glass structure
consisting of two parts: a core surrounded by a cladding that has a lower
refractive index. (Refractive index is a measure of how fast light travels
through a material.) When a fiber is straight, a light ray travels down
it by reflecting off first one side of the core and then the other. But
when the fiber is bent, some of the light will hit the outside of the core
at an angle such that it will not all reflect. Some of it will pass through,
escaping from the fiber.
Based on years of work in the field of composite mechanics, Professor Leung
and his colleagues knew that if a fiber is embedded in a material and a
crack opens along the fiber, the fiber stretches in order to span the new
crack. But as shown in the figure below, it must also bend twice, once
on each side of the crack, unless the crack intersects the fiber at exactly
a right angle. Thus, the intensity of light passing through a fiber embedded
in a concrete structure will remain essentially constant unless a crack
occurs. Then the fiber will bend, and the amount of light transmitted will
abruptly drop.
A loss in signal thus indicates the formation of a crack--but
not its location. To determine location, the sensor borrows a technique
from the communications industry that involves measuring not the "forward"
signal but "backscatter." As light passes through an optical
fiber, a small amount is reflected backwards by nonuniformities in the
glass structure. A bend in the fiber likewise reduces the backscattered
signal. By feeding in quick pulses of light and monitoring the backscattered
signal as a function of time, the researchers can calculate (based on the
speed of light in the glass) where the loss, hence the crack, has occurred
and how large the crack is. Based on subsequent losses in the signal, they
can identify and locate additional cracks along the same fiber.
Optimizing the sensitivity of the optical sensor is critical. A submillimeter
crack must produce a drop in intensity large enough to detect. But if that
drop is too large, a few small cracks or even a single large one will reduce
the signal so much that additional changes, thus additional cracks, cannot
be detected. The sensitivity of the sensor depends on many parameters,
including the size and mechanical and optical properties of the fiber,
the thickness and stiffness of the protective plastic coating around the
fiber, and the fiber layout in the structure. Achieving an optimal design
by trial and error is thus impractical. Therefore, the researchers have
developed a computer model that helps. Predictions from the model show
good qualitative agreement with results from preliminary experiments with
cracks in an epoxy block in which fibers were embedded.
Another challenge is how to use the sensor on concrete structures that
are already in place. Since embedding fibers in existing structures is
impractical, the researchers have developed a technique for mounting them
on surfaces. They enclose the fiber in a thin polymeric sheet and glue
the sheet tightly onto the concrete--tightly enough that when the concrete
cracks the sheet will also crack rather than peel away. The fiber, on the
other hand, is loosely attached inside the sheet so that it will slide,
stretch, and bend rather than break when a crack opens.
The researchers have performed a series of experiments that demonstrate
the feasibility of that technique. They glue a polymeric sheet containing
the optical fiber to the bottom of a beam specimen. They then cut a notch
across the specimen so the crack position is known, and they place an instrument
across the notch to measure the opening directly. When a load is applied
to the beam, the instrument reading and the intensity of light passing
through the fiber are both recorded.
The figure below shows the results as a plot of light signal loss versus
crack opening. Signal loss is clearly detectable at crack openings below
0.2 mm. The loss steadily increases as the crack grows until the crack
reaches about half a millimeter. As the crack opens further, the loss grows
more slowly and then levels off at a crack width of about 1 mm. At that
width a relatively long expanse of the fiber extends straight across the
crack. Since losses occur only where the fiber bends, further expansion
of the opening causes little additional loss--an advantage, as the formation
of a single large crack will not necessarily mean a total loss of signal.
The researchers are using a similar concept to develop optical
fiber sensors that can be installed in buried structures formed in
Of particular interest are protective barriers around hazardous waste sites.
The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) is
developing a way to build a structure around buried waste. They drill closely
spaced holes around and under the waste and then inject columns of grout.
The grout penetrates the soil and forms a continuous wall and bottom. Such
a structure will effectively contain any hazardous waste that moves outward--unless
the structure develops cracks.
The MIT researchers are designing a sensor for detecting cracks in such
structures. The new sensor is a rod wrapped with optical fibers and inserted
into the holes before the grout is injected. Cracks in a column generally
run crosswise, the result of the column's having been bent. The optical
fibers are therefore wrapped around the rod in a spiraling fashion so cracks
will intersect them at an angle and be detected. Monitoring of backscattered
light will again indicate the formation and location of cracks so that
failing sections can be regrouted. Using an experimental sensing rod cast
into a mortar beam, the researchers have demonstrated the crack-sensing
ability of their new device.
Optical Sensor for Monitoring Strain
In related work, the researchers are using optical fibers to detect
another worrisome behavior in concrete structures: when stressed, structures
may stretch rather than crack. A measure called strain expresses the fractional
change in the length of a concrete structure due to stress. Detecting strain
is vital in critical members such as prestressed concrete sections. But
developing an effective strain sensor is difficult, in part because small
changes are difficult to detect and even a small change in overall length
may be important structurally.
One method of detecting strain uses a fiber made up of alternating segments
of glass (or other materials) with differing refractive indexes. When white
light, which contains many wavelengths, passes through such a fiber, some
of each wavelength is reflected from the interfaces between the segments.
But a narrow band of wavelengths is reflected more intensely than other
wavelengths are, and the particular band of "peak reflectivity"
depends on the spacing between the interfaces. If the fiber is attached
to an underlying structure that stretches, the fiber will also stretch.
The thickness of the alternating segments will change, so the spacing between
the interfaces will change. The wavelength at which peak reflectivity occurs
will then shift, and the shift can be measured. Such a fiber is an ideal
strain sensor. Since changes in temperature will alter the thickness of
the segments through thermal expansion or contraction, the fiber also serves
as a temperature sensor. Indeed, a separate, uncoupled fiber must be used
along with the strain sensor so that temperature effects on the sensor
can be quantified and separated from the strain effects.
A major challenge with this approach has been how to create the segments
with differing refractive indexes. The standard technique uses high-energy
lasers and is very expensive. Professor Leung, Professor Brown, and their
coworkers are developing a novel method that is potentially much cheaper.
They use chemical deposition techniques to deposit thin layers of silicon
nitride and silicon-rich silicon nitride--materials with different refractive
indexes--onto the tip of the fiber. By stacking up forty alternating layers
they focus the reflected light to a narrower and narrower band of wavelengths,
thereby making the sensor sensitive to smaller and smaller changes in the
spacing of the layers. Experiments on a layered optical fiber embedded
in a polymer specimen show that the system behaves as predicted in its
responsiveness to strain and temperature.
The most promising way to use this layered-tip fiber on an existing structure
is to glue the fiber firmly onto a steel strip and then glue the steel
strip onto the concrete section under strain. In that design, the strain
over the length of the steel strip is transmitted directly to the fiber
tip and detected. Results to date suggest that this novel strain sensor
should be able to measure changes in length smaller than a thousandth of
a millimeter.
This research was supported by the University Research Consortium of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. Further information can be found in references.