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The MIT Entrepreneurs Club
Weekly Meetings

Meetings are held each Tuesday during the academic year from 6-7PM in room 56-114. All members of the MIT, Harvard and Wellesley communities are welcome. Our meetings are a friendly, if critical, forum for members and guests to:

3-10 minute presentations are followed by 10-20 minutes of intense feedback and discussion, including tough questioning and examination by the audience. Presenters may appear without prior arrangement or invitation, but we recommend a week's advance notice so interested club members know to attend and have adequate time to research and consider the topic. Presenters may come prepared or not, with only their ideas, to speak simply or make use of the lecture hall's facilities (chalkboard, overhead projector, and Athena terminal with Internet connection and video projector). They may present alone or with co-founders, and are encouraged to bring along the entire startup team, including academic and professional advisors. Written material and demonstrations are also always welcome.

After meetings, presenters and club members continue to network outside the lecture hall by sharing contact lists, relevant experiences and resources. They help each other build on original ideas, edit out the unrealistic, research and author business plans, launch startups, and develop better enterprises.

Our MIT 6-Credit Seminars, plus IAP and Summer-Session

MIT undergraduate seminars SEM.089 (Fall) and SEM.095 (Spring) meet from 7-9PM following the E-Club (visit our seminars page for details). These are academic spinoffs that cover several new business cases per term and require 4 hours/week of outside reading and writing. Seminar students often arrive early to attend the club meeting and when space permits, club members often remain late to participate in the seminars.

During MIT's January Independent Activities Period (IAP), the E-Club meets formally at least once (usually the first Tuesday) and informally as member schedules permit. Meetings are scheduled not to conflict with Joe Hadzima's highly-recommended Nuts-and-Bolts of Business Plans series.

Over the Summer, the E-Club meets weekly on a schedule similar to that during fall and spring terms. We also hold weekend retreats outside of Boston on or about Memorial Day and early in August. Locations have included Black Beach in West Falmouth, MA and Rockport Harbor, ME. Retreats allow us to discuss E-Club business, hold in-depth sessions on topics of particular interest to members, socialize and network with each other and colleagues from the broader MIT and local communities. They have been held in collaboration with members of MIT's Nautical Association, Wood's Hole Oceanographic Institute, the Marine Biological Laboratory, the Atlantic Challenge Foundation and the Rockport Boat and Booster Clubs.

Location and Parking

Building 56 (the Whitaker Building) is inline and just west of Building 66 (the Ralph Landau Chemical Engineering Building) on Ames Street, and just south of Building 32 (the Ray and Maria Stata Center) on Vassar Street. Ames Street runs south from Building NE-25 (which contains Legal Seafood) in Kendall Square to Memorial Drive and the Charles River, and Vassar Sreet is one block west of Ames.

Visit for a map highlighting the lecture hall building and parking.

Building 32, the Ray and Maria Stata Center (floorplan), is at the corner of Vassar and Main Streets. Vassar Street is one block west of Ames Street and Building NE-25 (which contains Legal Seafood) along Main Street in Kendall Square.

Parking is easy at MIT after about 3PM, when many lots open to the public. You'll be closest to Building 32 if you turn directly off Main Street into the parking lot between Buildings 32 and 68 (the Biology Building). On exiting your car, proceed to the nearest ground level doorway. Access at this point after 6PM is granted by swiping an MIT ID card though the reader.