MTFLOW 1.22     HHY 6/15/99

-BUGS found in a number of places, convergence criteria not properly 
used for BL's, delta not correct near axis, etc....

- Changes were made to the plot output to get separate BL, grid and data plots.

- Changes to BL streamtube width to use correct width near axis.

- Changes to force routines for body drag, proper theta calculation, etc.

- Changes made to print forces and BL to file as option.

Note that this version still does not properly implement a comprehensive 
convergence criteria.  Be aware and run extra iterations and check forces for

MTFLOW 1.23     MD  23 Sep 05

- Improved iteration handling of lowest streamline wherever it lies on the axis.

MTFLOW 1.30     MD  20 Apr 06

- Fixed linearization bug of BI circumeferece array

- Farfield source and doublet calculation now fully linearized

- Improved delta* offset vector calculation and linearization

- Newton clamping tests now performed on all variables which might cause a crash

- Extended the convergence criteria

- Added nhat plotting code, currently commented out in  pagepl.f

MTFLOW 1.32     MD  19 Sep 06

- Improved handling of laminar->turbulent changeover segment in BL equations

- Eliminated spline problems which occurred if a point near the leading edge 
was just slightly above the axis ( e.g. y=0.00002 ).

MTFLOW 1.33    MD 12 Mar 08

- Tweaked some limiters in the BL formulation, for better transient handling.

- Added total momentum-area and KE-area defects to the Viscous plot menu

MTFLOW 2.00   MD  20 Nov 09

- Major method reformulation

- Parameter field are now defined only where nonzero sources are present

- Total enthalpy and circulation are now state variables, not prescribed

- Blade-angle/swirl model has been added to optionally represent blade loads

- Blade camber surface geometry generation capability added

MTFLOW 2.01   MD  5 Jun 10

- Modified the parameter-field point-location algorithm for more speed,
  by using 2D interval-halving of the field-parameter grid.  
  Search time went 
   from  O( I x J x Ifield x Jfield )
   to    O( I x J x log(Ifield) x log(Jfield) ).
  One point-search and interpolation logic is also now used for all 
  field parameters. Before each parameter was processed independently.

MTFLOW 2.02   MD  8 Nov 10

- Added different Nhat (grid-move vector) options, selectable in the
  "M" menu in MTSOL:
     0  Nhats fixed, only in y-direction
     1  Nhats fixed, interpolated between surface-normal and y-direction
     2  Nhats in normal direction, updated every Newton cycle

- MTSOL now executes in one of two modes:

  Fast:  2 variables per cell (n, rho).  1 variable (n) if ISMOM=2.
         Restricted solver with assumed zero swirl and constant total enthalpy.
         Same formulation as MSES.  Applies to external-aero cases.

  Slow:  4 variables per cell (n, rho, Gamma, ho)
         Full solver with nonzero swirl and total enthalpy 
         from field-parameter sources.
         General solver used with actuator disks, etc.

  The mode is automatically chosen depending on whether or not
  swirl or heat addition field parameters are specified.

MTFLOW 2.03   MD  13 Jan 11

- Added  delta**  to BL listing and file dump of "B" command

- Fixed "E" command (elliptic grid smoother)

MTFLOW 2.04   MD  19 Mar 11

- Added stagnation-streamline smoothing to the "E" command

- Made ISMOM=3 the default s-momentum flag