DFDC Summary
- Axisymmetric components
- Centerbody
- Duct walls
- Rotor
- Stator
- Drag sources
- Input file
- Keyword-driven case input file
- Aerodynamic outputs
- Duct forces and moments
- Rotor forces
- Stator forces
- Analysis capability
- Duct with actuator disk (specified loading)
- Duct with rotor blade (specified blade geometry)
- Stator modeled as actuator disk (with swirl and torque)
- Stator modeled as bladed disk
- Arbitrary number of rotor/stator rows
- Freestream velocity, rotor RPM
- Drive to specified thrust
- Effects of duct drag sources
- Rotor tip gap modeling
- Control vane forces and moments
- Rotor/Stator design capability
- Design blade chord to specified circulation
- Design blade twist for specified chord and circulation
- Blade pitch and twist changes
- Geometric redesign of duct walls
- XFOIL-like geometry modification (GDES)
- BL analysis of duct and centerbody walls, viscous forces
(one-way coupled for now)
- Aerodynamic redesign of duct walls to specified pressures
Whirlwind Summary
- Whirlwind is a Win32 GUI wrapper for DFDC
(currently does not support
all DFDC functionality)
- DFDC can be used without Whirlwind, via DFDC's XFOIL-like text menus
Release Conditions
- DFDC and Whirlwind are released under the
GNU General Public License.
Short version is
- By downloading the software you agree to abide by the GPL conditions.
Management and Sponsorship
- DFDC was developed under contract with Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.,
with the sponsorship of the Tactical Technology Office of DARPA
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
- Contacts/Good-Guys:
Brad Tousley, brad.tousley (at) darpa (dot) mil
Paul Eremenko, eremenko_paul (at) bah (dot) com
- Harold Youngren, guppy (at) maine (dot) rr (dot) com [DFDC]
- Mark Drela, drela (at) mit (dot) edu [DFDC innards]
- Scott Sanders, ssanders (at) post (dot) harvard (dot) edu [Whirlwind]
Page Revisions
8 Dec 2005
- Page created.
- DFDC 0.70rel
10 Dec 2005
- Added credits, contacts.
- Slightly updated theory document.