ASWING Overview
Summary Description
ASWING is a program for the aerodynamic, structural,
and control-response analysis
of aircraft with flexible wings and fuselages
of high to moderate aspect ratio.
Configuration Description
- Interconnected nonlinear beams
- Representing...
- lifting surfaces, or
- slender bodies
- Specified by...
- geometry
- mass and inertia distributions
- structural stiffness and damping distributions
- aerodynamic properties
- control surface influence distributions
- Point objects with...
- mass
- angular momentum
- drag area
- volume
- External struts
- Engines with...
- applied forces
- applied moments
- simple or advanced powerplant model
- Control surfaces on beams, influencing...
- General extended lifting-line 3D aero representation, with...
- wind-aligned trailing vorticity
- wind-aligned Prandtl-Glauert compressibility treatment
- local shed-vorticity unsteady flow model
- section-stall lift limiting
- section-stall profile drag model
Solution state for all analyses
- beam deflections, angles (fully nonlinear)
- beam loads, bending moments (general nonlinear 6-d.o.f. beam)
- beam velocities, rotation rates (local)
- circulation distributions on surface beams
- aircraft position, orientation angles
- aircraft velocities and rotation rates
- aircraft accelerations and angular accelerations
- control deflections (aerodynamic surfaces, engine power settings)
Analysis Capabilities
- Nonlinear static response, with arbitrary flight state specification
- direct: specified angles, rates, control deflections
- indirect: specified forces, moments, trim states
- Nonlinear dynamic response (time domain)
- with or without arbitrary gust field
- with or without arbitrary control forcing
- with or without user-defined control law
- evaluation via...
- frame-by-frame plotting of all state quantities
- aircraft-motion "movie"
- Linear dynamic response about nonlinear state (frequency domain)
- due to...
- Initial conditions,
- Control forcing,
- Gust velocity field
- evaluation via...
- Bode plots
- Motion and deformation response "movie"
- Aero load response displays
- Structural load and deformation response displays
- Eigenmode analysis
- user-defined control law can participate (closed-loop stability)
- entire frequency spectrum captured...
- ..flight stability (lowest frequencies)
- ..flutter stability (higher frequencies)
- evaluation via...
- Root maps
- Motion and deformation eigenmode "movie"
- Aero load eigenmode displays
- Structural load and deformation eigenmode displays
- Reduced Order Model construction based on selected eigenmodes
- ROM matrix output for control law design, fast response analyses
Frequently Asked Questions
A collection of emailed questions about ASWING, and the replies.
ASWING is licensed for commercial use by the
MIT Technology Licensing Office
(617) 253-6966
Sample Input Files, Calculations
- Daedalus Human-Powered-Airplane.
- Ultralight Sailplane.
- Flying-Wing UAV
- Discus Launch Glider (DLG)
- Oddball Stuff
Author: Mark Drela, drela (AT) mit (DOT) edu
Page Revisions
January 11, 2001
- Page created. ASWING 5.42
November 22, 2005
- ASWING 5.62
- Added the Sensor entity, which delivers state outputs
- Added 2D-Bode frequency gust analysis
- Added more general engine model capability
- Added propeller plume model
- Added structural damping
- Added Reduced Order Modeling capability
- ... and a bunch of other stuff. See version_notes.txt
July 17, 2005
- Added link to dataflow.ps file.
March 10, 2007
- ASWING 5.64
- Further additions to the Reduced Order Modeling stuff.
- ... See version_notes.txt
March 13, 2007
- Added PDF versions of PS documents
October 25, 2007
- ASWING 5.73
- Added gust response info to the ROM output
- Added ground effect
- ... See version_notes.txt
- Updated the theory documentation
May 29, 2008
- ASWING 5.79
- Posted sample input files above
- Lots of minor tweaks -- see version_notes.txt
August 4, 2008
- Reorganized and updated the ASWING description above
September 2, 2008
- ASWING 5.82
- Added prop whirl flutter prediction capability,
for 3 or more prop blades.
- Added moment/angle compliance option to the beam joint equations.
- Updated the Steady and Unsteady theory documents.
- Other minor tweaks -- see version_notes.txt
November 25, 2008
- Added a FAQ file link above
June 12, 2009
- Replaced moving GIFs with clearer versions
February 1, 2010
- Added YouTube link to BFF video
- Added animated GIFs for DLG launch
- Added animated GIF for flapping bird