Mobility Observatory
The International Mobility Observatory has
carried out a worldwide search in which it has
identified and documented over one hundred
examples of innovative mobility strategies. Each
strategy is written up as a one-page executive
summary. The Observatory will be updated on a
periodic basis. The Observatory also has
identified several exemplary mobility systems:
metropolitan transportation systems that combine
outstanding operating practices, advanced
technology, innovative management, and which
enjoy creative institutions and public
Our aim is to establish the Observatory as a
unique source of information and analysis on
emerging mobility trends that affect public
policy and the transportation industry. In
addition to its comprehensive but summary
write-ups, the Observatory will have in-depth
reports on selected urban areas around the world
that have outstanding mobility systems.
Mobility in Developing
The greatest growth in mobility in the coming
years will take place in developing countries.
This project examines basic differences in
mobility issues between the developed and
developing worlds, focusing in particular on
mobility needs in India and China. Several new
mobility options are being examined, among them
automobile cooperatives, innovative financing
and pricing strategies, and land use strategies
that are coupled with mobility needs.
Predicting Global Demand
for Mobility
A forecasting model has been developed that
predicts mobility demand for all modes of
transportation through to the year 2050. This is
the only model of its type and can be used by
the Program to develop a range of possible
future mobility scenarios.
Mobility and Global
This research uses global demand forecasts to
examine the mobility implications of various
policies intended to affect global warming. The
work is being done in conjunction with a
large-scale global warming research project at
MIT, and it also examines the impacts and
economic consequences of contemplated global
warming controls.
Mobility and Land
The planning and management of urban land use
have a great impact on mobility. Some important
measures concerning land use, however, are
difficult to implement. This research analyzes
situations in which, from both a mobility
perspective and prospects for future land use
policy aimed at enhancing urban mobility,
effective planning has been accomplished.
Mobility and Public
An assessment of what might be realistic
roles for public transport is being undertaken.
Comparisons among successful systems around the
world are also being made.
Strategic Planning for
Strategies to develop multimodal
transportation planning around the world are
being analyzed, with an emphasis on intelligent
transportation systems. The objective is to
improve throughput and overall system efficiency
for both passengers and freight.
CMP communicates its research results widely
through publications, research conferences, and
outreach activities to the professional
community and general public.
CMP is the principal sponsor of "Traffic
Congestion: A Global Perspective," an MIT
conference on new strategies for moving people
and goods in the 21st century. June 1999.