Technology Community Crafters


General Information

Originally a part of the MIT Women's League, then later a separate entity, Technology Community Women-or "TCW" as it was called-rejoined the MIT Women's League in '95-'96 as an interest group under the new name (Tech Community Crafters) that denotes what has become their main activity: “The Lobby 10 Craft Fairs”. These festive two-day events highlight local and MIT community artisans offering original gifts and wares to raise funds for the MIT Women's League Scholarship fund. The TCC is chaired by Brenda Blais of The Teaching and Learning Laboratory. The TCC Craft Fairs are Coordinated by Brenda Blais.


Holiday Craft Fair

The Holiday Craft Fair will be held in Lobby 10 on Thursday, December 14th and

Friday December 15th 2006, from 9am to 5pm both days.

Anyone interested in participating in our craft fairs can obtain a craft fair application by calling Brenda Blais at (617) 253-1375.


Hand crafted items for sale at the Holiday Craft Fair will include:


*  Women's League Cook Books and Aprons

*  TBA



For more information regarding The MIT Women's League write to :
The MIT Women's League
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building 10-342
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
(617) 253-3656



Links to arts at MIT


Last modified: 10/3/2006 by Teri Chung