associate at CNRS
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
Research affiliate at MIT
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 2008 - Ph.D. in Fluid
Dynamics at Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de
Toulouse, France
- 2005 - M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics at
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
- 2005 -
Dipl.-Ing. in Mathematical and Modeling Engineering at
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Toulouse,
- Flow-structure
- High- and low-order
- Direct numerical
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, R. Perrin and G. Harran,
eddy-viscosity concept for strongly detached
unsteady flows, AIAA Journal, 45:55
(1145-1149), 2007 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza and A. Dervieux, Reduced-order modeling
for unsteady transonic flows around an airfoil,
Physics of Fluids, 19:111701 (1-4), 2007 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, G. Harran and R. El
Akoury, Anisotropic
Organised Eddy Simulation for the prediction of
non-equilibrium turbulent flows around bodies,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 24:8 (1240-1251),
2008 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, A. Sévrain and A.
Bouhadji, Capturing
transition features around a wing by reduced-order
modeling based on compressible Navier-Stokes
equations, Physics of Fluids, 21:094104
(1-11), 2009 -
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza and A. Dervieux, Reduced-order modeling
of transonic flows around an airfoil submitted to
small deformations, Journal of Computational
Physics, 230 (159-184), 2011 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Triantafyllou, Vortex-induced
vibrations of a long flexible cylinder in shear flow,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 677 (342-382), 2011 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Triantafyllou, Lock-in
of the vortex-induced vibrations of a long tensioned
beam in shear flow, Journal of Fluids and
Structures, 27:6 (838-847), 2011 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, Y. Modarres-Sadeghi, G. Karniadakis
and M. Triantafyllou, Wake-body resonance of long flexible
structures is dominated by counter-clockwise orbits,
Physical Review Letters, 107:134502 (1-4), 2011 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, D. Lucor and M. Triantafyllou, Mono- and
multi-frequency vortex-induced vibrations of a long
tensioned beam in shear flow, Journal of
Fluids and Structures, 32:7 (52-64), 2012 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Triantafyllou, Multi-frequency
vortex-induced vibrations of a long tensioned beam
in linear and exponential shear flows,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 41:8 (33-42), 2013 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Triantafyllou, Distributed
lock-in drives broadband vortex-induced vibrations
of a long flexible cylinder in shear flow,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 717 (361-375), 2013 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Triantafyllou, Phasing
mechanisms between the in-line and cross-flow
vortex-induced vibrations of a long tensioned beam
in shear flow, Computers & Structures,
122:6 (155-163), 2013 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet and D. Lo Jacono, Flow-induced vibrations
of a rotating cylinder, Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, 740 (342-380), 2014 - Abstract
- C. Grouthier, S. Michelin, R. Bourguet, Y.
Modarres-Sadeghi and E. de Langre, On the efficiency of
energy harvesting using vortex-induced vibrations of
cables, Journal of Fluids and Structures,
49:8 (427-440), 2014 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Triantafyllou, On
the validity of the independence principle applied
to the vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible
cylinder inclined at 60 degrees, Journal of
Fluids and Structures, 53:2 (58-69), 2015 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet and M. Triantafyllou, Vortex-induced
vibrations of a flexible cylinder at large
inclination angle, Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society A, 373:20140108 (1-19), 2015 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet and D. Lo Jacono, In-line flow-induced
vibrations of a rotating cylinder, Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, 781 (127-165), 2015 - Abstract
- S. Gsell, R. Bourguet and M. Braza, Two-degree-of-freedom
vortex-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder at
Re = 3900, Journal of Fluids and Structures,
67:11 (156-172), 2016 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet and M. Triantafyllou, The onset of
vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible cylinder at
large inclination angle, Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, 809 (111-134), 2016 - Abstract
- S. Gsell, R. Bourguet and M. Braza, Vortex-induced
vibrations of a cylinder in planar shear flow,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 825 (353-384), 2017 - Abstract
- S. Gsell, R. Bourguet and M. Braza, Three-dimensional flow
past a fixed or freely vibrating cylinder in the
early turbulent regime, Physical Review
Fluids, 3:013902 (1-29), 2018 - Abstract
- D. Lo Jacono, R. Bourguet, M.
Thompson and J. Leontini, Three-dimensional mode selection of the
flow past a rotating and inline oscillating cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 855 (R3), 2018 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, Flow-induced
vibrations of a rotating cylinder in an arbitrary
direction, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 860
(739-766), 2019 - Abstract
- S. Gsell, R. Bourguet and M. Braza, One- versus
two-degree-of-freedom vortex-induced vibrations of a
circular cylinder at Re = 3900, Journal of
Fluids and Structures, 85:2 (165-180), 2019 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, Two-degree-of-freedom
flow-induced vibrations of a rotating cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 897:A31 (1-42), 2020 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, Vortex-induced
vibrations of a flexible cylinder at subcritical
Reynolds number, Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
902 (R3), 2020 - Abstract
- P. Ern, J. Mougel, S. Cazin, M.
Lorite-Díez and R.
Bourguet, Bending
oscillations of a cylinder freely falling in still
fluid, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 905 (R5),
2020 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, Impact
of body inclination on the flow past a rotating
cylinder, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 923
(A33), 2021 -
- R. Gonin, P. Horgue, R. Guibert, D.
Fabre, R. Bourguet,
F. Ammouri and E. Vyazmina, A computational fluid dynamic study of the
filling of a gaseous hydrogen tank under two
contrasted scenarios, International Journal
of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (55), 2022 - Abstract
- M. Lorite-Díez, P. Ern, J. Mougel, S.
Cazin and R.
Bourguet, An
experimental study of flow-structure interaction
regimes of a freely falling flexible cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 946 (A16), 2022 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, Flow-induced
vibrations of a cylinder along a circular arc,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 954 (A7), 2023 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, Forced
rotation enhances cylinder flow-induced vibrations
at subcritical Reynolds number, Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, 955 (R3), 2023 - Abstract
- R. Gonin, P. Horgue, R. Guibert, D.
Fabre, R. Bourguet,
F. Ammouri and E. Vyazmina, Advanced turbulence modeling improves
thermal gradient prediction during compressed
hydrogen tank filling, International Journal
of Hydrogen Energy, 48 (77),
2023 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet and R. Mathis, A wind tunnel
investigation of the effects of end and
laminar/turbulent inflow conditions on cylinder
vortex-induced vibrations, Journal of Fluids
and Structures, 123 (104015), 2023 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, Path
curvature enhances the flow-induced vibrations of a
cylinder without structural restoring force,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 977 (A31), 2023 - Abstract
- R.
Bourguet, G. Martinat, G. Harran and M.
Braza, Aerodynamic
multi-criteria shape optimization of VAWT blade
profile by viscous approach, Euromech coll.
464b wind energy (Oldenburg, Germany), October 2005
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, G. Harran and A.
Dervieux, Modèle
réduit POD-Galerkin pour la prédiction d’écoulements
transitionnels compressibles autour de surfaces
portantes, 42ème Colloque d’Aérodynamique
Appliquée (Nice, France), March 2007
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, R. Perrin and G. Harran,
Physical analysis of
an anisotropic eddy-viscosity concept for strongly
detached unsteady flows, IUTAM symposium on
unsteady separated flows and their control (Corfu,
Greece), June 2007
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, G. Harran and A.
Dervieux, Low-order
modeling for unsteady separated compressible flows
by POD-Galerkin approach, IUTAM symposium on
unsteady separated flows and their control (Corfu,
Greece), June 2007
- G. Martinat, R. Bourguet, Y.
Hoarau, F. Dehaeze, B. Jorez and M. Braza, Numerical simulation of
the flow in the wake of Ahmed body using Detached
Eddy Simulation and URANS modeling, Second
Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods (Corfu, Greece),
June 2007
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, G. Harran, S. Bourdet and
A. Sévrain, Analyse
modale du tremblement en régime transsonique par
modèle d’ordre réuit POD-Galerkin, 18ème
Congrès Français de Mécanique, (Grenoble, France),
August 2007
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, A. Dervieux and A.
Sévrain, Transition
features in transonic flow around a naca0012 airfoil
by navier-stokes and low-order modeling,
West-East High Speed Flow Field ECCOMAS Conference
(Moscow, Russia), November 2007
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, R. Perrin and G. Harran,
Organized Eddy Simulation approach for strongy
detached unsteady flows, Fifth Conference on
Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (Bahia,
Brazil), December 2007
- R.
Bourguet, R. Elakoury, M. Braza and G.
Harran, Prédiction
d’écoulements pariétaux turbulents instationnaires
par approche statistique anisotrope et modélisation
hybride, 43ème Colloque d’Aérodynamique
Appliquée (Poitiers, France), March 2008
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, A. Dervieux and A.
Sévrain, Analyse de
la robustesse d’un modèle d’ordre réduit
d’écoulements trassoniques instationnaires,
43ème Colloque d’Aérodynamique Appliquée (Poitiers,
France), March 2008
- R.
Bourguet, R. El Akoury, M. Braza and Y.
Hoarau, Prediction
of strongly detached flows around bodies by URANS
and DES approaches, Seventh International
ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling
and Measurements (Limassol, Cyprus), June 2008
- M. Braza, R. Bourguet and R. El Akoury, Organised Eddy
Simulation for prediction of thin interfaces in
unsteady turbulent wakes flows, The European
Consortium For Mathematics In Industry (London, UK),
June 2008
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza and A. Dervieux, Low-order models based
on 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes simulations of
compressible unsteady flows, Eigth World
Congress on Computational Mechanics (Venice, Italy),
July 2008
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza, A. Dervieux and A.
Sévrain, Reduced-order
modeling of transonic fows around an airfoil
submitted to small deformations, 19ème
Congrès Français de Mécanique, (Marseille, France),
August 2009
- R.
Bourguet, M. Braza and G. Harran,Tensorial eddy-viscosity
concept for the prediction of turbulent unsteady
fows around bodies, 19ème Congrès Français de
Mécanique, (Marseille, France), August 2009
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Triantafyllou, Vortex-induced
vibrations of a long flexible cylinder in
transitional and turbulent flows, 62nd Annual
Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics,
(Minneapolis, USA), November 2009
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Triantafyllou, Vortex-induced
vibrations of a long tensioned beam in shear flows,
FSI 2010, (Amherst, USA), April 2010
- Y. Modarres-Sadeghi, R. Bourguet, F.
Hover, M. Triantafyllou, M. Tognarelli and P. Beynet, Re-evaluation of VIV
Riser Fatigue Damage, 29th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering, (Shanghai, China), June 2010
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Lock-in of the vortex-induced vibrations of long
flexible cylinders in shear flows, IUTAM
Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced
Vibrations - BBVIV 6, (Capri Island, Italy), June 2010
- M. Braza, R. Bourguet and R. Perrin, Turbulence modeling for
strongly detached unsteady high-Re flows, based on
refined PIV experiments, 31st Annual Meeting
of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics
Society (St. John's, Canada), July 2010
- R.
Bourguet, D. Lucor and M. Triantafyllou, Effect of mass
ratio on the vortex-induced vibrations of a long
tensioned beam in shear flow, ASME 2010
Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, (Montreal, Canada),
August 2010
- R.
Bourguet, Y. Modarres-Sadeghi and M.
Triantafyllou, Long
flexible cylinders subject to vortex-induced
vibrations in shear flow exhibit preferentially
counter-clockwise figure-eight trajectories at
lock-in, 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS
Division of Fluid Dynamics, (Long Beach, USA),
November 2010
- R.
Bourguet, M. Triantafyllou, M. Tognarelli and
P. Beynet,
Fluid-structure energy transfer of a tensioned beam
subject to vortex-induced vibrations in shear flow,
30th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics
and Arctic Engineering, (Rotterdam, The Netherlands),
June 2011
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Triantafyllou, Phase
drift between the in-line and cross-flow
vortex-induced vibrations of a long flexible
cylinder in shear flow, 64th Annual Meeting
of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (Baltimore,
USA), November 2011
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Broadband vortex-induced vibrations of a long
flexible cylinder, IUTAM Symposium on Bluff
Body Flows - BLUBOF2011, (Kanpur, India), December
- R.
Bourguet, M. Triantafyllou, M. Tognarelli and
P. Beynet,
Distributed wake-body resonance of a long flexible
cylinder in shear flow, 31st International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering, (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), July 2012
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible cylinder in
inclined flow, 10th International Conference
on Flow-Induced Vibration - FIV2012, (Dublin,
Ireland), July 2012
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Orbital motion of a long flexible cylinder subject
to vortex-induced vibrations, 23rd
International Congress of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics - ICTAM2012, (Beijing, China), August 2012
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
In-line and cross-flow multi-frequency
vortex-induced vibrations of a long flexible
cylinder are phase-locked under wake-body
synchronization, 65th Annual Meeting of the
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (San Diego, USA),
November 2012
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Phasing mechanisms between the in-line and
cross-flow vortex-induced vibrations of a long
tensioned beam in shear flow, 7th MIT
Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics,
(Cambridge, USA), June 2013
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Flow-induced vibrations of a flexible cylinder at
large yaw angle, ERCOFTAC International
Symposium on Unsteady Separation in Fluid-Structure
Interaction, (Mykonos, Greece), June 2013
- Y. Modarres-Sadeghi, B.
Seyed-Aghazadeh, R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Higher harmonic forces in purely cross-flow
vortex-induced vibrations, 66th Annual
Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics,
(Pittsburgh, USA), November 2013
- R.
Bourguet and D. Lo Jacono, Flow-induced vibrations
of a rotating cylinder, 66th Annual Meeting
of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (Pittsburgh,
USA), November 2013
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Wake-body synchronization of a flexible cylinder at
large inclination angle, 8th European
Nonlinear Dynamics Conference - ENOC2014, (Vienna,
Austria), July 2014
- R.
Bourguet, G. Karniadakis and M.
Vortex-induced vibrations under oblique shedding,
67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid
Dynamics, (San Francisco, USA), November 2014
- S. Gsell, R. Bourguet and M. Braza, Direct numerical
simulation of the in-line and cross-flow
vortex-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder at
Re = 3900, 22ème Congrès Français de
Mécanique, (Lyon, France), August 2015
- S. Gsell, R. Bourguet and M. Braza, One- versus
two-degree-of-freedom vortex-induced vibrations of a
circular cylinder at Re = 3900, 68th Annual
Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics,
(Boston, USA), November 2015
- R.
Bourguet and D. Lo Jacono, Streamwise
vortex-induced and galloping-like vibrations of a
rotating cylinder, 68th Annual Meeting of the
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (Boston, USA),
November 2015
- S. Gsell, R. Bourguet and M. Braza, Three-dimensionality of
the wake downstream of a cylinder subjected to
vortex-induced vibrations at Re = 3900, 11th
International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration,
(The Hague, The Netherlands), July 2016
- R.
Bourguet and M. Triantafyllou, Wake reconfiguration
downstream of an inclined flexible cylinder at the
onset of vortex-induced vibrations, 69th
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics,
(Portland, USA), November 2016
- S. Gsell, R. Bourguet and M. Braza, Vortex-induced
vibrations of a cylinder in planar shear flow,
70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid
Dynamics, (Denver, USA), November 2017
- R.
Bourguet, S. Gsell and M. Braza,
Spanwise structure of the flow past a fixed or
freely vibrating cylinder in the early turbulent
regime, 70th Annual Meeting of the APS
Division of Fluid Dynamics, (Denver, USA), November
- R.
Flow-induced vibrations of a rotating cylinder in an
arbitrary direction, 71st Annual Meeting of
the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (Atlanta, USA),
November 2018
- A.
Sanchez Ruiz, R.
Bourguet and G. Martinat, Transverse
vortex-induced vibrations of a prolate spheroid,
72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid
Dynamics, (Seattle, USA), November 2019
- R.
Gonin, P. Horgue, R. Guibert, D. Fabre, R. Bourguet, F.
Ammouri and E. Vyazmina, CFD approach for the filling of a type IV
gaseous hydrogen tank, WHTC World Hydrogen
Technologies Convention, (Montreal, Canada), June 2021
- M.
Lorite-Diéz, P. Ern, S. Cazin, J. Mougel and R. Bourguet, Experimental
characterization of the fluid-body synchronization
mechanisms of freely falling cylinders, 1st
Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference, (Cadiz, Spain),
June 2022
- M. Lorite-Diéz, P. Ern, S. Cazin, J.
Mougel and R.
Experimental study of the fluid-structure
interaction mechanisms of freely falling cylinders,
14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC14),
(Athens, Greece), September 2022
- R. Gonin, F. Ammouri, E. Vyazmina, R. Bourguet and
D. Fabre, Buoyant
jet model to predict a vertical thermal
stratification during refueling of gaseous hydrogen
tanks in horizontal position with axial injection,
International Conference on Hydrogen
Safety (ICHS 2023), (Québec, Canada), September 2023
de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
Groupe ASI, Bâtiment Camichel, Bureau 9
du Professeur Camille Soula
31400, France
Institute of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Avenue, Room 7-321
MA 02139, USA
remi.bourguet [at] imft [dot] fr
/ bourguet [at] mit [dot] edu |