(off the top of my head, so possibly mistaken)
- Jeff Baker
- Military History of the Eternal Empire
- Dave Modiano
- Modifications of the rules for
Thresh, thresh card drawings, legends of the Sun and the Moon, the
Story of Brijghalod, the Man who Cheated Death, the constellations
(not on line yet) and the huge Map of City Tzalmir that I have finally
managed to scan in (as well as its companion document, Fodor's
Tzalmir). This man clearly has too much time on his hands.
- Mike Person
- Thresh Scrying meanings, essay
on prophecy, legends of the War Beasts, the Lovers' War, the Cult of
the All-Father.
- Syndic Economic Reports
- Cael MacAyre
- Legends of Yontzu Manfoglio and the Accidental War, and all the longest dictionary entries.
- Charles Hope
- Original Thresh Card Rules, the legend of the Glass Mage, the legend of the Ruby of Flame, several countries.
- John Conger
- Legends of the Mad Earl and the Summer Winter, essay on the Masks of Alkynia
- Jerry Marty
- Teachings of the Church of
Shagras, Easterner quotes, and the Memoirs of Brother Finnbogg
- Mikka
- typing in the Ars Magica spells, which I haven't put on the net
for fear of being eaten by copyright lawyers, and the legend of the
Temple of the Broken Plate. Triellian naming customs and brine wool.
- Nick Carter
- Tzalmir man pages (not on the web), and the legend of the Shadows
of Adjudicator, and the Alchemy documents.
- Kate Mahoney
- All the artistic gifs, the
legends of the the Heralds of Tzalin, Flower of Ithyra, the Last Herald,
several countries.
- Megan McCallion
- The Crab's Tale, and the Road to Vendilon.
- Andrew Shultz
- The Other Gods
- Marleigh Norton
- The Lost Eye
- ???
- Legend of the Red Queen. Actually, I don't know
who wrote this one.