Encrypted neutrino radio headsets. Enough for the whole party at
once, but not a lot of extra. Three variants:
- Inobvious (subtle version IAF), and therefore wearable in most
situations, (on the combat dancefloor, in court, during combat opera
etc.), though people can notice them if you chatter a bunch and they
make a perception roll. Once noticed, people can try to grab, steal,
break, run off with, etc.
- Obvious (combat version OIF), and therefore not wearable in many
social situations it would look weird to have a headset in, but these
can't be taken from you or broken at all during combat by anything
that wouldn't take or break the wearer. Once you are captured, they
can take all your stuff, but them's the breaks.
- Implanted (surgical version), both invisible and unstealable, but
illegal on some planets, and you set off scanners sometimes. Once in,
there it stays. (Oh, you could probably upgrade...)
All units are:
- Encrypted, so people need significant rolls and special equipment to
listen in. ("Neutrino receivers? What the heck are those?")
Repairable/Replacable. Assuming you are not lost in the swirling
mists of spacetime, your engineers can pretty easily make more and fix
broken ones. You can also cut "lost" ones out of the net given
warning (not in combat), but possessing lost ones would probably give
people bonuses to decryption rolls, etc.
Flaw: Ominous
Cost: Season Finale Nummy