Intuition: Mirris
This page was last updated
Mon Mar 3 12:15:31 EST 2003
- The authorities on the Well were checking everyone's crew
complements before they were letting people depart.
- The crew of the rescued Haiganese ship had been influenced, but it
was fading by the time Kith examined them.
- The ships that attacked the Haiganese ship had orders to kill
everyone on board it.
- We are all influenced and in a psychic gathering.
- Janzur and Maury fell out of the gatehring after 4 hours on the
other side of the jump gate.
- Taking a ship six hours away from the Hippocrates caused Maury,
Kith, and Eva to fall out of the gathering and given a few days[1] the
influence would have faded.
- Turning a psi damper on in the vicinity of people who are in the
gathering causes everyone in the gathering damage. [2]
- A couple hundred meters was not sufficient to drop either Martan or
the rest of us from the gathering. [on Craterrock]
Based on that, I think...
The crew of the Haiganese ship and now your crew, is in a gathering
to allow a cloak or disguise for someone to escape the Well. The people
doing the chasing knew approximately what this ability would do. The
crew, as a part of the gathering, is helping to power it, so it is
probably much stronger than the on the other ship, as it has one die
from each of you thrown in.
[1] Later ammended by the GMs to be AT LEAST a few days.
[2] Later revised to be only the people in the vicinity of the psi
damper who took damage, but I think the intuition is still ok.
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