>On the syringe: >Item Composition : Plastic/steel >Item History : It spent a long time in a little plastic container until it was finally unwrapped and filled with liquid two weeks ago. Then it violently injected that liquid into someone (at the run), was hidden from the police/authorities, and finally was given to you. >Item Purpose : It's a syringe. Now that it's empty, its purpose seems to be as evidence of wrong-doing. >Scry - Type : Yup, there sure are a lot of these. Especially in that hospital. >On a sample of the contents (assuming I can get a drop): You actually end up wanting to scry the full syringe; a drop isn't really very itemlike. >Item Composition : Strange bio-chemical compounds, not entirely unlike those you've scanned before (the amnesia dart). Different, but many of the same basic components. >Item History : The stuff in the syringe used to have a lot more of it, but then most of it went away suddenly recently. It's been in this syringe for several weeks, before that it was in a small glass vial for quite some time. >Item Operation : You inject it into people. >Item Purpose : It's supposed to lessen people's resistence to mental domination. >Scry - Type : There's a full syringe of the stuff a few meters to the left. Other than that, the stuff seems pretty rare. The only other samples you think are in range are towards the capital, you'd suspect somewhere in the palace area.